Hi, there...
Haven't write anything lately, being very busy? Erm I can say is definitely a YES...hehe...workload double up, some family member passed away, some cousin get married...Ermm is an up and down of life.
Today I see you happy, tomorrow you may be sad.
Today is wedding ceremony, and next coming up might be funeral.
There is babies being born each and every single hour,
but not to forget there is also some people depart from this world too.
Life is no guarantee always on the sweetest and happy moment.
We need to take it and be brave to let go.
That is life?? Ermm I also can't explain what is life all about.
To me is like a waste of time to keep on living sometimes.
Because knowing we all will depart one day.
Because knowing we all will depart one day.
Knowing what we gain right now will be gone someday.
Knowing we work hard to accomplish it but when we are gone, all have to be left behind.
A short poem? Nay, just something coming out from my thoughts. It doesn't rhyme too.