What is love all about??
According to the 1 Corinthians 13: 4-8a
Love suffers long and is kind;
love does not envy;
love does not parade itself,
is not puffed up;
does not behave rudely,
does not seek its own,
is not provoked,
thinks no evil;
does not rejoice in iniquity,
but rejoice in the truth;
bears all things,
believe all things,
hopes all things,
endures all things.
Love never fails.~
No matter this love is for the
♥Love between you n God,
♥Love in family,
♥Love in friendship,
♥Love your neighbour,
♥Love in a relationship,
♥Love between husband and wife,
♥Love to the world,
♥Love to the nature,
anything that ♥Love needs to be spread...
be a happy lovely person cause the world need your ♥love to make it happen.. ♥♥