
Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Monday Blues

Today I'm totally blur. Is Monday so I'm sure I am a little bit blur. (Monday bluess..OooOo)

Coming to work knowing nothing much to do (as usual having my laptop as my companion ) but then I forget to bring my laptop charger. So end up I can't open my laptop for too long. I just manage to glance through a few emails and have to shut it down to prevent it can't be opened during afternoon (my 2nd time email checking).

I'm a little blur as well...ermm maybe due to something occurred last night. Nay just forget about it as I wouldn't want to spoil my lovely blog.

Then my office having a lot of pregnant ladies recently. Well as everybody knows 11th November 2011 (11.11.11) last year is a very good or I can say is indeed a very special day to get married. So this year all those newly wed ladies is preggy this year (2012). But some of them married at the early of the year 2011, so their babies is due this early of 2012. The new born babies is so cute, adorable, chubby (unfortunately I don't have the babies photo ^^ )

The point is...when i told them "Owh! the babies is so cute, so chubby, so adorable." Ehem ehem..there come the mood spoiler question. My colleague will say, "You can have one of yours too. Go and get marry." Glup...all I can do is smile and can't say a thing. Is like my expression on my face which I can't express it so all I can do is express in my heart is (-_-|||)...

I will too when my Prince manage to find me. I'm sure he is somewhere out there wandering and searching for me too. Right or not, my dearest Prince. :)

~written on 18th June 2012, Monday on a piece of paper~


Video Source is from Dellafans at Youtube

As I type this from my draft paper I found this piece of song is very suitable for the situation above.
Is a song from Della Ding Dang (叮当) titled 一半 (in English is The Other Half)

Is a rather sad enjoy ya...

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