
Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Just :)

Oh, hi bloggie :) 

Just realize I have been neglecting you, my little bloggie. And hi there to my readers who keep on supporting me by commenting on my Message/ Chat Box...I am so happy knowing a lot of you do read my little not so thoughtful writing. Thanks a lot.

Ok, why am I suddenly writing is because is so stuffy and hot here in my bedroom, making me can't have a good night sleep. I am writing this outside my bedroom where the big fan is facing me. Ya, fan which is switch on with the most maximum number, that is 5.

The weather is so hot and my neighbourhood still keep on burning rubbish nearly very single day on this week. This is making me uncomfortable with the smelly smoke, making me thinking that I am inhaling the bad polluted air into my lungs. Ermm...gonna have a lot and a lots of water to cleanse it, right. 

Okay I think is too late if I still don't sleep I will have difficulty in waking up early for work tomorrow. 

So there, Good Night and Sweet Dream from ME to you all out there. 

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