
Thursday, September 20, 2012


Thanksgiving (感恩).

The Revd. of my church gave a very interesting sermon past few months ago. Is about Thanksgiving to God regardless of any circumstances we are going through.

What I managed to kept in mind is giving thanks to God is mainly divided into three (3) main categories which is:
1) Thanksgiving to God for our past
2) Thanksgiving to God for our present
3) Thanksgiving to God for our future

(Below elaboration is basically on my very own understanding, none is from The Revd. of my church except the purple colour wording)

Our Past such as what we went through in the process of learning and turned into who we are today no matter you are a successful person or not till today. For God's loving that send Jesus Christ to sacrifice on the cross for our sins. For our parents gave birth, educated and brought us up into who we are today.

Present, for today that we can still wake up to see the beautiful morning light. For today that everything going smoothly as God's planned before us. For today each and everything we have no matter big or small. For the air we breath in, for the sky is blue and fair, for the flowers to blooms, and more for today that you think is good to give thanks to.

Future, for our next generation to keep in faith in Christ. For us to stay healthy, strong and happy in serving Him Our Lord. For each and everything you can think of for your future example our world, country and everything.

The purple colour wording is really making me to ponder, as I never thoughts of praying for my next generation. The only future things I did pray for is my family, my work and my true love soul mate God has planned for me but never I include my future generation. Guess I'm gonna put it into my list of prayer :) 

Oh yeah! remember to pray and give thanks to God not only to the good but also to the bad things you went through. This is because for me, each and everything that we encounter is planned by God to teach us a lesson, to test us, to learn to be more wiser for the next life challenges and not to forget to get us closer and depending on Him our Lord.

(Below this video clip is from Youtube to let's us sing Thanksgiving to God...sorry I found this in Mandarin and there is not translation to it...maybe I will translate it on next post.)

Do enjoy the song and may God blesses always be with you all. Good night.

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