
Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Stop and Stare by One Republic

Stop and Stare, I think I'm moving but I go nowhere...I know that everyone gets scared...I've become what I can't be...You starts to wonder why you're here not'd give anything to get what's fair...but fair ain't what you really need...untie the weight bags, I never thought I could...Steady feet, don't fail me now...I'm gonna run till you can't walk...Do you see what I see??

Yeah, I know this is not a very new song. Is like it launched before 2010, but the lyric is how I felt recently. The above paragraph is a part of the lyric from this song Stop and Stare  by One Republic. I rarely listened to English song, if I do there is a reason to the song that captured my heart and soul for me to listen it more. 

From this song I start to ponder, why I am here but there?  Even I tried my very best there is people surrounding me will pull me down. There is more to it actually but I don't know how to express it by words. 

Ok, I guess take for today. And sorry for never update you for so long.

(Source of video: from Youtube)

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还有三个小时就要跨2021年了。 现在几乎每家都在放鞭炮。 很热闹也很烦恼。让我在回想我的2020,是如何过来的? 是个匆匆忙忙,勉强,努力有懒散,也有酸甜苦辣熬过来的。 人生嘛,就是这样吧! 对我来说,努力奔破了一年,又要再重新开始是一个挑战。 感觉为什么,每一秒,每一分,每一...