
Monday, August 5, 2013

Monday Life

Today is Monday. 
Obviously Monday is always a little blue, right?

But to more surprising is just at this very 2 hours after coming to work today, I have received two news.
One good news and the other is bad news.

The good news was a new born baby being born yesterday with the early child delivery which need to be in observation by the hospital staff. 
The next bad news was a person I know 's dad passed away yesterday to be with the Lord. 

Life is like this. On the same day a new life is born but at the same time a life is departed from the world called earth. 
Life is fragile and unpredictable. 

What a Monday news? 

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还有三个小时就要跨2021年了。 现在几乎每家都在放鞭炮。 很热闹也很烦恼。让我在回想我的2020,是如何过来的? 是个匆匆忙忙,勉强,努力有懒散,也有酸甜苦辣熬过来的。 人生嘛,就是这样吧! 对我来说,努力奔破了一年,又要再重新开始是一个挑战。 感觉为什么,每一秒,每一分,每一...