
Saturday, December 27, 2014

Korean Christmas Songs

Merry Christmas!!

We are still in the time of Christmas Season.

So here is a compilation of nineteen (19) Christmas Songs in Korean wording which I think is worth to be post here for my further reference in learning my Korean and at the same time can sing-along with these Korean Christmas Song.

Credit Video: 동요나라

Have a Blessed Christmas.

Thursday, December 25, 2014


We wish you a Merry Christmas. 
We wish you a Merry Christmas.
We wish you a Merry Christmas.
And a 
Happy New Year.


Finally Christmas has arrived. But too bad here don't snow like the North part of the world.

If I can see a white Christmas, it will be awesome.

I used to dream that Christmas is a time where you can play snow, running on a field filled with white snow, or maybe sipping a cup of hot coffee when the outside is snowing. Make a Snowman outside my house.

So, how is your Christmas?? Hope everyone have a very very Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas!!

Tuesday, November 25, 2014


Back then (childhood time), I really love "December" because usually that is the month with the most school holidays. Even in Uni life, you also have the semester break, but since adulthood, life of "December" is the worst nightmare ever.

Checking my calender this morning got me into real surprised as this is the FINAL WEEK of NOVEMBER...and the beautiful and at the same time hateful December is coming soon.

The BEAUTY of "December" is CHRISTMAS is around the corner. YIPPEE!!! and the worst HATEFUL part of it is the closing account time for the every year, which also mean I'm going extremely busy and crazy time of the year. 

Ever since I am working in this finance field, I don't really seem to enjoy December, because that is the time where everything have to be ended nicely in that month or else next year (the January) will be more troublesome. 

Hopefully, this year December can treat me nicely and all my colleague can give me full co-operation to close the account of year 2014 with a good smile. May God keeps giving me strength to overcome all the obstacle and hindrance that trying to stop me from doing my work properly. 

Good night.

Saturday, November 22, 2014


Sometime I think I live a life like a turtle.

Why do I say such a thing? Whereby I'm a human being. A real Homosapien.

So why do I need to live like a amphibian. 

This is because I feel like I love to stay in my own shell but once I get bored inside the shell, I will popped my head out to see the beautiful outside world.

Nevertheless there is always some bad people surrounding my shell which will poke and hit my head once I am trying to see the world.

With no choice I will hurried to shrink my head into my turtle's shell again.

Assuming that my tutle's shell is my comfort zone. A zone which I can't get hurt easily and felt the most safest place ever.

I know I seem to look very fragile and weak. Somehow this is the only way that I can safe myself from those hurtful people.

Although going back into the shell, I will be regretted the most were the beautiful of the nature outside the turtle's shell that I hide in. I will definitely miss the nature of the flora and fauna. I don't have much option.

Please tell me how to be strong to crawl out of my shell.

Saturday, October 18, 2014


Just like the title said so "ALONE"!

What will you do if you are all alone in a public place?

I am sure a lot of you will be playing with their latest devices such as smartphone, iPad, mp4 or anything that can keep you busy for awhile without looking weird all by yourself A.L.O.N.E!

I have tried doing a lone ranger window shopping for nearly every weekends when I'm so bored. Walking aimlessly with slow paced searching for something that amuse or catches my eyesight.

And I do really found something new like tools which I never encounters, books full with wisdom and knowledge that sometime can make me stay at the bookstore for almost a full whole day to read. A Bookstore turn into myself mini library? Hihi... That is also a way that I can save my money and gain knowledge at the same time.

Then I will have my meal all alone just by myself. Is kinda sad and looks like desperate as you sit down and eat lonely. Like an abandon person. So LONELY...haiz...what to do?

But what can I do when I am indeed all by myself during the lone ranger shopping time. Nobody can accompany me when I need them.

Sometime even you were with your friends and family or even in a crowded place but you can feel all A.L.O.N.E too. I mean the FEELING is like empty and all ALONE although your were in a busy, noisy from your surrounding of crowded people.

There is a time where you feel that you don't belong to the group or community that you were joining. I do feel this sometimes when there is an occasion where I was forcefully with order from superior to attend a event unwillingly. Is like a sense of duty that you have to attend it.

Or where there is a awkward moment in the group that you were having a conversation, which you felt were outliers, transparent and all of sudden that feel ALONE will arise. There is a feeling or is just my sensitivity is too high that I feel the topic they were discussing is non-related to me or not interesting or is so boring that make me feel I am left out.

So do you thing being ALONE by YOURSELF (physically) or FEELING LONELY (mentally or emotionally) is better?

I feel being ALONE by YOURSELF is more better as you can have your ME-time but just plainly strangely awkward doing things all by yourself to the public's eyes. AND while FEELING LONELY is more worst as you feel you don't belong to the world or something more strangely thinking that can run through your head saying maybe I am ALIEN to this WORLD...sometime I just say silently within my heart, "Is okay. You will be fine as your are the child of God, so the world treat you different is okay because your status to this world is different." That is just a self-caring as there is none to do so, when you need it.

Is okay, I will be fine.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Dreams Come True

Recently, I watched Dreams Come True (꿈은 이루어진다) a Korean Movie about the North Korean and South Korean military both united for the love of soccer.

Picture Credit:
Is a comedy and touching brotherhood love to protect each other to safe the life of their Staff Sergeant who is going to be put to death as being labelled as a South Korean spy by the North Korean Headquarter military investigator. Which then the actual was not being a spy but for his love of the soccer which the South Korean were enlisted into the World Cup in 2002.

Trust me the ending will make you tears. I was hoping the North Korea and South Korea will be united like this story where they can play soccer happily together, enjoying the broadcast together without any barrier. Just omit the ending of this movie where there is misunderstanding end up in killing, torturing, shooting of innocent.

I know this is an old movie, which is actually released during year 2010. But is a well recommended movie to watch if you want to know how is actually North Korean military look like. And that the last last ending don't miss out as I am not going to tell you watch it for yourself in case I am spoiling the movie for you.

For more information about the cast and this movie, you can check it out here. Just click on the highlighted for the link.

Credit link:

Friday, October 10, 2014


Haven't update here for quite some time. About a month or more than a month?
And now I'm writing here to update about my health condition.

I am not feeling well for this past two days. Nose is running by itself..hihi...a synonym to 'running nose'.

Then fever come suddenly out from the blue. Luckily is only a mild fever which can be cure with a couple tablets of Panadol with a little rest.

The only troublesome is the nose lead to cough, and this makes my day not good. But reaching home with 'Kolok Mee' as dinner and flu medicine as the prevention is a no joke. As I was too full with just a small packet of 'Kolok Mee' is ridiculous maybe I am still sick, wasn't in my best health.

So I had my medicine quite late nearly 10pm!

Hopefully I'm fully recover and can write here often too. Okay, Good night.

Friday, August 29, 2014

Different timeline

Today is very cold, I think maybe is near autumn season. This reminds me of Autumn in My Heart K-drama, a very sad story with sad ending. 

Anywhere cold weather make you feel sleepy and your heart kinda of feeling more lonely. 
Will I be able to find my the other half to complete me? 

Or maybe he wasn't in my recent timeline that I need to go into some time travelling  machine to find my the other half? Something like The Great Doctor K-drama where Yoo Eun Soo find her other half from the past era which is the General Choi Young and for the sake of love she willing to give up everything from her present era to return back to the past to reconcile with him. 

But I know that is just a fictional story, it can't be true. If it is true or you were given such a chance will you take that path like Eun Soo did? 

Or you will just return to you originally era to be back with your family you career? 
Whatever path you choose do let me know in the comment below and Goodnite.

Monday, July 28, 2014


Yesterday at church, I was sitting next to this guy who sing very well, full with strength, so powerful and well-rounded.

I guess that the real meaning of singing with your diaphragm when my ex-chorister taught me back then.

I felt so ashamed singing Praise & Worship song beside this guy but after all we're singing to God :) so needless to be shame right. Somehow, I felt very small suddenly...hihi..luckily there have pinyin in all the song if not I won't be able to utter a single word that will be even more shameful.

I miss my choir life back then...and what I learnt yesterday is "人比人,气死人" I shouldn't be comparing myself to a professional chorister, don't I.

By the way, here a song for everyone of you, is a song where my church keep singing it almost nearly 3 months and I really love it, I think I can even remember the lyrics of it.

The title is '恩典之路' the Pinyin  is En Dian Zhi Lu and the English title is The Path of Grace.

Cr. Youtube uploader (joshua grenn)

Notes from the uploader or it can said the translation in English is:

You are my Lord. You lead me in the path of righteousness.
In the high mountains or the low valleys you protected me.
In the midst of Million people you love me and know me.
You promises of blessings will never change.
Step by step , this is the path of grace.
Your love, Your hand will grasp me tightly.
Step by step, this is the path of hope.
Your love, Your hand, will guide me through this path of life.

Thanks my Lord for everything, for your leading me to the righteousness path. Thanks Lord for me be with in every step I take, guide me and never let be alone.

Friday, July 18, 2014

Morning Sunshine :)

Good Morning.

Is another day, so shall we start of with another good start?

I suppose is a YES!

After all is a FRIDAY!!

I am sure a lot of us love Friday. Why??

Because tomorrow is Saturday and the day after tomorrow is Sunday. That means we all will have weekend just after today.

So just enjoy and have a nice Friday of today.

Here a SMILEY ANGEL from me to make your day HAPPY, SMILING, and WONDERFUL day.

Sunday, June 29, 2014


Happy Birthday dearie. 
Good night. 
아자 아자 회이팅!!!

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Hot Hot Hot

The weather recently in my place is very hot.

At night, I can't sleep well. Even with two fans fanning me to sleep, I also sweat a lot.

A little movement, I will sweat a lot. But there is a friend I know saying she won't sweat easily. She need to lose some pounds but it doesn't work out the way she wants. She said even she is doing house chores but after an hour only a few drops of sweat coming out. So she needs a very heavy workout to make it work.

But I am on the opposite side to her...ermm not really opposite...just on the sweating part... :) I do sweat a lot, a little house chores I will be sweating like the water fall start to roll down my forehead and some other parts as well. The funny things is I don't lose any weight at all. I do hope I can lose some pounds too...unfortunately it doesn't.

Is it something wrong with me? Supposing sweat will increase your metabolism and somehow will at least lose some weight. Or I am wrong. Nevermind...I will work hard too slim myself down, not much just a little for more healthy self. :)

So back to the topic of the Hot! Hot weather.

I know some country is in Summer now, especially my dream country to travel to the South Korea is now at the Summer season. So maybe my place is hot too...hihi...I do hope there is at least a little rain to nourishes the land and bring me back to live....hihi..Do I sound like I am a plant or a tree...hihi...I okay I love rain, the sound of Rain is very refreshing and is like bringing me back to live especially after a very tiring day of work.

So as to cool down myself from the heats of the Mr. Sun...let's listen to a very relaxing music from Yiruma titled Kiss The Rain.

Credit Video: xXYuNPoOXx

Thursday, June 12, 2014


Hello. I am very very tired. Too tired lately. There was and is been a very tiring week for each and everyday. 

Suppose this is my birthday month, but I guess growing up means more responsibility. More responsibility means more task need to handle, need to think more. 

Whatever is it, I knew the 2014 FIFA World Cup will be held soon. 
If according to my place, the opening ceremony will be at 03:15 am on the Friday the 13th June 2014. 

Okay so I am to tired to update more about me, will need to sleep for better day tomorrow. Good night.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014


This is a song I like recently. Titled Ugly sang by 2NE1. I'm going to type the lyric according the actually Korean Hangul, the romanji  then the English translation

밝게 웃어보지만
Balkge useobojiman
I'm trying to smile brightly but

내 맘에 들지 않아

Nae mame deulji anha
I don't like it

난 예쁘지 않아 아름답지 않아

Nan yeppeuji anha areumdapji anha
I'm not pretty, I'm not beautiful

Oh oh oh oh

Oh oh oh oh

노랠 불러보지만
Norael bulleobojiman
I'm trying to sing but

아무도 듣지 않아

Amudo deutji anha
No one is listening

난 예쁘지 않아 아름답지 않아

Nan yeppeuji anha areumdapji anha
I'm not pretty, I'm not beautiful

Oh oh oh oh

Oh oh oh oh

난 왜 이렇게 못난 걸까
Nan wae ireohke motnan geolkka
Why am I this ugly

어떡하면 나도 너처럼 환하게

Eoddeokhamyeon nado neocheoreom hwanhage
What must I do for me to be able to smile

웃어볼 수 있을까

Useobol su isseolkka
brightly like you?

또 화가나 왜 늘 완벽하지 못해
Ddo hwagana wae neul wanbyeokhaji mothae
I'm getting angry again, why can't I ever be prefect

이 깨잔 거울 속 못난 모습을 향해

I ggaejin geoul sok motnan moseulbeul hyanghae
I simply put the blame on my ugly

탓하기만 해

Tathagiman hae
appearance in this broken mirror

쳐다보지마 지금 이 느낌이 싫어 난
Chyeodabojima jigeum I neuggimi shilheonan
Don't look at me, I hate this feeling right now

어디론가 숨고만 싶어

Eodironga sumgoman shipeo
I want to hide away somewhere,

벗어 나고 싶어

Beoseo nago shipeo
I want to escape

이 세상은 거잣말

I sesangeun geojitmal
This world is full of lies


I think I'm ugly
And nobody wants to love me
Just like her I wanna be pretty
I wanna be pretty
Don't lie to my face tellin'
me I'm pretty

I think I'm ugly
And nobody wants to love me
Just like her I wanna be pretty
I wanna be pretty
Don't lie to my face cuz I know
I'm ugly

날 쉽게 이해한다고 하지마
Nal shwipge ihaehandago hajima
Don't tell me that you can understand me so easily

못 생가고 삐뚤어잔 내 마음이 날 원망할지도 몰라

Mot saenggigo bbiddoleojin nae maeumi neol wonmanghaljido molla
My ugly and crooked heart may even come to resent you

말 시키지마 난 너와 아울리지 못쇄
Mal shikijima nan neowa eoulliji mothae
Don't force me to talk, I'm not right for you

그 잘난 눈빛 석 차가운 가식이 낭 숨막히게 해

Geu jalnan nunbit sok chagawoon gashiki nal summakhige hae
The cold thorns inside that patronizing gaze suffocate me

다가오지마 너의 관심조차 싫어 난
Dagaojima neoui gwanshimjocha shilheo nan
Don't come closer, I don't even want your concern

어디런가 떠나고 싶어 소리 치고 싶어

Eodironga ddeonago shipeo sori chigo shipeo
I want to leave away to somewhere, I want to shout out

이 세상은 거짓말

I sesangeun geojitmal
This world is full of lies


I think I'm ugly
And nobody wants to love me
Just like her I wanna be pretty
I wanna be pretty
Don't lie to my face tellin'
me I'm pretty

I think I'm ugly
And nobody wants to love me
Just like her I wanna be pretty
I wanna be pretty
Don't lie to my face cuz I know
I'm ugly

All alone I'm all alone x2

따뜻함이란 없어
Ddaddeuthamiran eopseo
There is no such thing as warmth

곁엔 아무도 없어

Gyeoten amudo eopseo
There is no one by my side

All alone I'm all alone x2
I'm always all alone

따뜻함이란 없어
Ddaddeuthamiran eopseo
There is no such thing as warmth

곁엔 그 누구도 날 안아줄 사람 없어

Gyeoten geu nugudo nal anajul saram eopseo
Next to my side, there's not even anyone to embrace me

I think I'm ugly
And nobody wants to love me
Just like her I wanna be pretty
I wanna be pretty
Don't lie to my face tellin'
me I'm pretty

I think I'm ugly
And nobody wants to love me
Just like her I wanna be pretty
I wanna be pretty
Don't lie to my face cuz I know
I'm ugly

Credit: &

After reading through the lyric with its translation, sometimes I feel girls usually being categorized herself as ugly. No matter how pretty she is, she will always feel there is some imperfection on her.

Is that true?

Why I said so, is because even she gain that little confident in herself, there is sure someone out there try to pull her confident down.
Why is the world so cruel to her? 

But if someone just trying to sweet talk to her, maybe in a good way try not to hurt this girl feeling, is only going to end up the sweet talker is just one of the hypocrite.

So, how should we talk as not to hurt this girl feeling.

Girls will never be satisfied of herself. 

Just Don't lie to my face, cuz I know I'm ugly. :) 

Sunday, May 18, 2014

My Symphony

A very meaningful poem that I found recently. 
Just want to share here and keep in my mind that I should be like this poem. 
So I edit it and is not very good but my first attempt using Photoshop :)

Our life should be like this, don't you agree. 

Thursday, May 1, 2014


《 我没有萬人傾心, 也不是那麼聰明, 總愛得菲常努力,卻往往傷得不輕。 一個人漂流不定, 不懂看尋常風景....不要太美麗, 要平凡相依。》

"I'm not attractive, also not smart, just love to work hard, but often get hurt. Alone drifting uncertainly, don't understand ordinary scenery....Don't want too beautiful (attractive partner), just ordinary dependency."

In conclusion, life is so difficult to find your true love 
which will accompany you throughout your life. 

Monday, March 24, 2014

Our life

Our daily life is hard.
Our burden is heavy.
Our trouble never cease.
Our worried is never ending.

Flower never stop blooming although knowing it will die one day.
Cloud never stop moving although knowing nothing about its destination.
Water in river keeps flowing down the stream too.
Star keeps on shining brightly no matter is day or night.

So like this life still have to carry on.
Carry on.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

My favourite quote in Love Rain

Ok let's talk a bit about Korean Drama which I watched recently.
It is not a very latest drama.
If not mistaken is last year drama (2012) 

Love Rain is a Korean Drama act by Jang Geun Suk and Yoona-SNSD. 

A quote in Love Rain which is said by Hana's mother, Yoon Hee in around episode 15, to tell the truth I can't really recalled which episode she said so but to me is very meaningful.

"A landscape with love, is always beautiful.
But, beautiful love, is not only happiness.
Love, from beginning to end has two faces, joy and sorrow."

In summarize by me is, "Love not only sweet but there is bitter too." 

Friday, January 3, 2014

Mr. Sun

Here have been raining almost everyday starting from the middle of December 2013 till year 2014. 

From Google Image

I kind of miss Mr. Sun too. 
But luckily he came out today and bring some sunshine to dry our cloth, to make me feel better.
Although I am still flu and cough from the fever I caught during raining season last month.

Sometime human is a very funny creature. 
When the weather is extremely hot, we ask for rain or cloudy cloud to block us from the heat Mr. Sun gave us.
But when we have enough rain, which I was think, "if this keep on raining for 40 days like the Bible then won't we all be flooded and there gone the world." 
Ohh..what a ridiculous thinking of me from the Ark of Noah.

But we never know the truth right. As there is snowing on Africa, Vietnam and Egypt.
There is also a few signs that showed the world end time is getting nearer.

What ever is it? Just keep on praying and do our best.

Thanks God that Mr. Sun is still shining brightly for the Earth.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014


Happy New Year is 2014...2014 is finally here. 
That's mean I am older by a year more. Haiz...

Age going up so must think and act like a growing up person then.
More responsibility, right?

No matter what just be Happy ok...

This new year gonna have a new resolution. 
But this year I guess nothing new as my previous year resolution still unfulfilled.

So just to simply put thing together and for the best is to:

Never forget to update my blog...hehehe...

Ok then here I wish everyone 
Having a Wonderful Happy 2014 New Year!!! 

Good night. 


还有三个小时就要跨2021年了。 现在几乎每家都在放鞭炮。 很热闹也很烦恼。让我在回想我的2020,是如何过来的? 是个匆匆忙忙,勉强,努力有懒散,也有酸甜苦辣熬过来的。 人生嘛,就是这样吧! 对我来说,努力奔破了一年,又要再重新开始是一个挑战。 感觉为什么,每一秒,每一分,每一...