You Tiao (油条) |
Public Holidays 2 days + weekends 2 days = 4 days.
Ermm... seem nice and boring at the same time.
Eat, sleep, watching drama, eat, sleep again.
So, as was browsing around the internet. I found a Vietnamese version of Chinese Dough aka "You Tiao" (油条) without using yeast.
They use baking powder as substitution to yeast. With this way we can cut down the time to wait until next day.
Excited. Speechless. And Hungry.
So, here the actual recipe.
Ingredients :
2 cups of flour
2 tablespoon of sugar
1 teaspoon of salt
1 tablespoon of baking powder
1 cup of cold water
Instructions :
- Mixed all the dried ingredients together and lastly pour cold water. Mixed well into dough alike.
- Cover with wet towel. Let it rest for 20 minutes in fridge.
- After that, sprinkle some flour on the table, take the dough out and sprinkle some flour again on the dough.
- Roll it out and cut it into the 1 inch each apart. Stake it like the picture and use chopstick to press in the middle for it to stick together.
- Get ready your wok with oil, fried it till golden brown and that's it.
Actually this recipe failed on me.
Maybe I did add on more flour on my accord than the given recipe above, for it to unstuck on the table and my hands. Making it hard to chew although it got the look of successful 油条.
Maybe need to try a few more time for it to be eatable.
Or Vietnamese style 油条 is like this because they eat it with dipping into Pho aka Beef Noodles Soup. So, I ate mine with dipping into coffee and it was more easily to chew on. So the end result is like the most above picture. Look like real professional 油条 but actually it is really hard to chew on. Nevertheless I tried my best already.