
Tuesday, May 1, 2012


Sometimes life is like this saying "你看我好, 我看你好". 

But do they know that behind my smile there is some hidden sorrow deep down in my heart. So is others people smiling faces too. Actually there is nothing to be envious about. 

Different people having different life path. Some people have to undergo the long path (walking), went through the hard rock of climbing, barrier awaiting ahead them. While some just need to under went through the short-cut (flight), which is simpler and easier path. But both reach the same destination as well. Is doesn't really matter how you get to the destination. The main point is you will pick up some valuable value or morale lesson along the travelling path. That is what making you an awesome person, unique in every sense every way. 

This is what life is mainly about, be it in marriage or work. Is the matter of the way you travelled, the timing and your effort you put into it...

To crack some jokes with this point of view is:
I can't run cause I am a fatty girl, wanna take up flight but unaffordable, wanna drive but don't have a car, so end up I'm using walking, that why is a little bit slow compared to other. But don't you think that slow and steady win the race.

Though i can't denial is a bit tired and something causing me to give up but i believe there is some good lesson to be learned. So c'mon let's be brave to walk up this life path. 加油!加油!

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