
Saturday, May 12, 2012

Happy Mother's Day

Today is Mother's Day for the year 2012. Mother's Day can be celebrate within this weekends either on Saturday or Sunday (tomorrow).

Well, we didn't celebrate it. Ermm, nothing much to say, as for me...Mother's Day is not a just a day for you to show loved by sending gifts and a dinner treat to your mother on today only. It should be showed on each and everyday your caring, appreciation and obedient towards her. For her taking cared to you since you are in her womb, on the night you were sick how she stay awake to make sure you take your medicine on time and etc. 

Just try to remember how she undergo all the troubles and sacrifice to make sure you be a successful human you are today. For those who still have your mom please do appreciate her deeds to you. She may be a little bit nagging for time to time, but all her nagged is a beautiful advice which you gonna miss when she is gone one day. If your away from home, do keep in touch with your family as often as can be. Never abandon them your parents.

So, here i wish every women who is called mother, Happy Mother's Day to you...and of course to my beloved Mummy who keeps sheltered me and my family from neither daily sunny nor rainy day. Thanks, Mummy and sorry for all my bad. I will try to be a good daughter to you. 

Happy Mother's Day. 

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