
Saturday, July 14, 2012

Long or Short??

Short hair is better?? But Rainie Yang (杨丞琳)is good in all kinds of hair style. She is cute in long hair and sweet mature in short hair.

Rainie Yang in short hair style.

Short hair again :)
If you have a V shape face, all I can say is a universal suitor, basically means it suit in all kinds of hair style. It doesn't matter long or short.  

Rainie Yang's long straight hair.

Taylor Swift's long perm hair style

My hair now is long ( is just longer a bit than shoulder length) and I am still considering to keep it till waist length to get a perm like Taylor Swift.

Her tied-up perm hair so pretty :)

See Taylor Swift's tied-up permed hair is so neat and have a little wavy is very nice. I love her hair style. 

The side view of Taylor Swift tied-up permed hair.

But look closely both this two beauties celebrities either Rainie Yang or Taylor Swift is having a very pretty V shape face. 

Mine is a round shape face. Huh! I did once cut my hair short like Rainie Yang's but turn out being a laughing stock in my office. They said I look like the oldies lady. 
So I let it grow longer to get a perm but I'm afraid to perm it as if it turns out be a disastrous, How am I going to face it? Haiz...or I just let it grow into nice and long straight hair like Rainie...ermm still a long way to consider as right now is still short...will let it be long only decide k...^^

Souces: All the above pictures is from Google search and the video is from Youtube.

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