
Tuesday, February 19, 2013


A China dating game show name "非诚勿扰"
ask my mum what is it, she say "Fēi chéng wù rǎo"
Google tell me it is, "You are the one" 

♥nice one right♥  but what happen before all the above explanation is...
before all this i was thinking...why the show in english name is "Prefect Match" 

while i heard it as "fei chAng wu rao" where my mind telling me is "wu rao" as disturbance..."fei chAng"  is long term...

So finally my own interpretation is "A long term disturbance" :)
I was shock and after that i seek my mum to ask why the show and the title of the show is so much different? it like coming to the show for the point to get highly rated show...not for finding their life partner?? 

Mum said, "Cheng"...Sincere...not "chAng"

so i googled and Google explained it more well as when i try to break up the words and here it goes:

非= Non
诚= Sincere
勿= Do not
扰= Interference

so i got is just simply mean that if "You are not sincere, please don't come to The Show to seek for the single ladies"  :)

Notes: After all Girls' ♥heart♥ is not meant to be play...their heart is very fragile...they only give their heart to the one they can trust and love, just like the title "You Are The One." So beware and handle it with care...once is broken is consider lah...i mean it can be heal BUT the scars will remain there forever ...and it sure need a veryyy longgg time to beware ya...

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