
Thursday, December 31, 2020



















Sunday, December 20, 2020

When We Were Young "人不彪悍枉少年"

Lately I just finished a Chinese Drama. Is not a new drama, a year 2018 drama talked about high school students live during the year 1996 to 1997. More info or synopsis of the story I'm not going to write it here because there is way too many around if you Google it around.

Title of the drama is "When We Were Young"  

Chinese title is "人不彪悍枉少年" 

Pinyin'ed as "Rén bù biāo hàn wǎng shàonián"

The main poster

花彪 Huā Biāo
by 侯明昊 Hóu Míng Hào

What I want to write here is, this story let me reminiscences my own 18 years old me.

What have I done during that time?

Do I have such friends to play around and be naughty together?

Do I have anybody who always looks for me first, care for me in my schooling time?

杨夕Yáng Xī
by 万鹏 Wàn Péng

All the answer just simply a "NO", "NONE". 

My time of school just go to school and back to school. I don't attend any extra classes even during my high school exam year. I only have extra curricular activities like as a librarian on Tuesday afternoon, girl guide and badminton or English Club for Saturday. Other than that is go and come back from school.

李渔 Lǐ Yú
by 张耀 Zhāng Yào

I don't have friends who kept calling me to chit chat in telephone like how Yang Xi and Yang Xiao He Mei did. Ya, during my schooling time also handphone doesn't exist yet. And my time during the first computer coming out, my Dad manage to get us one, and I remember ICQ and some games was what I played.

黄澄澄 Huáng Chéng Chéng
by 代露娃 Dài Lù Wá

I attended all girls there is nobody like Hua Biao and Li Yu will seek me first in everything that happened on them either taking care of me. I can say I grow up on my own in school life. Only at home was fully protected by my parents. I don't gp to friend house to play. There is no best friend of mine like these 5 peoples (Hua Biao, Yang Xi, Li Yu, Yang Xiao He Mei, Si Tu Er Tiao) in this drama. 

司徒二条 Sī TúèrTiáo
by 李明德 Lǐ Míng Dé

How I wish my school life was as happening like this kids.

Past is past...I can't go back and change everything. So just enjoyed this drama and dream it while watching it.

杨肖和美 Yáng Xiào Hé Měi
by 潘美烨 Pān Měi Yè

Is a well recommended drama for relaxing and nostalgic to your younger self. 

The pictures is those main cast in the story. Huang Cheng Cheng is the girl who love Li Yu and willing to do all sort of things to support Li Yu. 

All Pictures Credit:

Saturday, December 19, 2020

Ending of Year 2020

Final month of Year 2020 - December

Beside "Negaraku" and "Lagu Pulau Pinang", "Wawasan 2020" is one of my school national anthem-alike songs. Now I'm in the final month of it. 

During my childhood, for me 2020 is super duper far away from me. Something like, it will never happen so soon. Back then I wondered, What will 2020 look like? Will I be able to go to outer space as an astronaut? Or working in a lab as a scientist? What will my husband look like? Will I be married already with children? 

And like magic "Proofff!!!" I'm here now in the last month and the whole world still fighting for a virus named Coronavirus (Covid-19) and being at home is the best place to be. The funniest thing was all my wondering never happened and getting old day by day. Haha. 

Honestly speaking, nothing much accomplished this year. But what I learnt within this pandemic season throughout the year is:

🌸Family is most important.
🌸Single is immortal in my work place. 
🌸Being alone is fun.
🌸Home is the safest place on Earth.
🌸Being in a crowd is scary.
🌸Television with tvbox is my best friend.
🌸Shopee is my new place to hang out.
🌸Youtube is where I do my Sunday Service.
🌸Mask is my new fashion.
🌸Life is fragile. So cherish it always. Do whatever makes you happy as long as you don't hurt others. You don't have to please anybody. 
🌸Sometimes selfishness is not a sin, it is a way to protect me and my family. 
🌸And I forgot to write, Xiao Zhan is my boyfriend. hihi. (How I wish?) but at least seeing him smile makes me smile. He is such a sweet boy. 

So, another 20 years will be 2040, what will I be? Will my family still be with me? Or I will be really forever alone by then? Will I still be in the same place working and living? 

Let God plan for me for HE knows the best for me. May my Prince manage to find me soon. 

Friday, December 18, 2020

Back, after long forgotten this bloggie

Is been so so soooo long I never bother to come into this bloggie..because I forgot about it. 

The last writing was August 2018. 

Yup that was around that time I make a drastic planned to leave everything behind me.

Age, Beauty, bad Friends which make me sad that happy, all been leave behind including this bloggie. 

Then I got involve in fangirling in Twitter, get into Weibo, into my TVbox...enjoy everything all want while in the midst of busy working life.

Then some one wake me up through his WordPress...that I remembered I got a place called bloggie too to write all my inner thoughts and rambling.

So here I am searching my password a log in to check what I wrote before. 

Guess I still never change still the single me with my silly thoughts and silly cooking. 

And Proofff !!! Is already at the end of Year 2020 (December).

Yes, 2 years gone by. Nothing much really change. I think I need to find something to write in here.

Till then please bare with me.  

Saturday, August 11, 2018


When you're tired from flying, land for awhile and shall continue again to fly even further ahead.

Sometimes, I'll be thinking, will birds ever get tired from flying, will fishes ever tired from swimming.

Maybe need like SpongeBob Squarepants, put on water globe and go to the earth to play.

Am I the only one thinking like this?

Tuesday, May 22, 2018


On the way home, passed by stalls of foodies selling foods & drinks for "Berbuka Puasa".

One of the stall selling Takoyaki... wondering what is it... then reaching home with growling stomach.

Searched in internet for this so called Takoyaki. Get the recipe and modified from nothing to something.

My version of cook from scratch Malaysian style Takoyaki.

2 cups of flour
1 cups of hot water
1 egg
1 teaspoon of salt
a pinch of ajinomoto
2 handful of chopped cabbage
1 chopped onion
6 dices crab meat stick


1. Put egg, salt and ajinomoto into flour.

2. Pour in hot water into the flour and mixed well.
3. Lastly, add in all the cabbage, onion and crab meat. Mixed well.

 4. Get ready your wok with oil and fried it until golden brown balls.

5. Serve it with chilli sauce or mayonnaise.

Done and enjoy!!! 

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Vietnamese Chinese Dough aka You Tiao (油条)

You Tiao (油条)

Public Holidays 2 days + weekends 2 days = 4 days.

Ermm... seem nice and boring at the same time.

Eat, sleep, watching drama, eat, sleep again.

So, as was browsing around the internet. I found a Vietnamese version of Chinese Dough aka "You Tiao" (油条) without using yeast.
They use baking powder as substitution to yeast. With this way we can cut down the time to wait until next day.

Excited. Speechless. And Hungry.

So, here the actual recipe.

Ingredients :
2 cups of flour
2 tablespoon of sugar
1 teaspoon of salt
1 tablespoon of baking powder
1 cup of cold water

Instructions :
  1. Mixed all the dried ingredients together and lastly pour cold water. Mixed well into dough alike. 
  2. Cover with wet towel. Let it rest for 20 minutes in fridge. 
  3. After that, sprinkle some flour on the table, take the dough out and sprinkle some flour again on the dough.
  4. Roll it out and cut it into the 1 inch each apart. Stake it like the picture and use chopstick to press in the middle for it to stick together.
  5. Get ready your wok with oil, fried it till golden brown and that's it.


Actually this recipe failed on me.
Maybe I did add on more flour on my accord than the given recipe above, for it to unstuck on the table and my hands. Making it hard to chew although it got the look of successful 油条.

Maybe need to try a few more time for it to be eatable.

Or Vietnamese style 油条 is like this because they eat it with dipping into Pho aka Beef Noodles Soup. So, I ate mine with dipping into coffee and it was more easily to chew on. So the end result is like the most above picture. Look like real professional 油条 but actually it is really hard to chew on. Nevertheless I tried my best already. 



还有三个小时就要跨2021年了。 现在几乎每家都在放鞭炮。 很热闹也很烦恼。让我在回想我的2020,是如何过来的? 是个匆匆忙忙,勉强,努力有懒散,也有酸甜苦辣熬过来的。 人生嘛,就是这样吧! 对我来说,努力奔破了一年,又要再重新开始是一个挑战。 感觉为什么,每一秒,每一分,每一...