
Monday, April 30, 2012


(^_^) happy today i manage to find a "Translate" Gadget for my little bloggie..

By this way, all my beloved reader can choose any preferred languages by just a click from the drop down menu at the top right corner named "Translate". Thanks to Google for providing such an ease for people especially like me, who is a banana :D

is just like this icon at the top right corner of this blog :)

So, do just feel free to select any preferred language that for your ease to enjoy reading my blog and thanks for dropping by to my blog :)

Sunday, April 29, 2012


Moving clouds..nice sunset
Suddenly, something trigger my brain to say this few word of wisdom which is mainly to be share or learn together.

"When you have it, it doesn't mean is yours. Even when you lost it, it doesn't mean you're going to be sad the whole life time. There is some reason or lesson meant to be learned from it. Nothing is forever. Even the clouds keep on moving in every second every minute. Even the most beautiful flower will lost its beauty. Even the moon changes its shape every single night. Nothing is certain." 

Sound sad isn't it. 

Yup, is indeed very sad.

Nothing remain forever. Even your true love, you may found it and got married, but who can predict the future. It can be you ending as a divorcee, or your the other half pass away or you are the one pass away before him/her. 

Okay, i shouldn't go into a very sad ending. Life is uncertain, am i right? You won't know when you gonna die. It can be tomorrow. Once you sleep tonight, will you be sure you can wake up, seeing the beautiful sunset, going to work or school as usual and most precious thing is keep on breathing the oxygen as usual. I believe you can't even give me your answer, cause nobody know when we are going to die.

Just to cut it short. My conclusion is love yourself and your beloved now. Because you never know when they are gone. Only God knows it. HE is the one controlling our period of life.   

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Work = Happy

Haven't write anything to my little bloggie..urm not to long just a day..hehe..Today, i am very happy as i have work to be done, unlike for the past few month of this year 2012. You all might be thinking i am crazy, as mostly people will be very happy with less or no work at office and the best part is your salary is still being paid on time, while i am like the opposite :). Maybe i have seated too long at office till i am too boring already.

Yup, i admit last year my workload is like a total hell. But after Chinese New Year, i had my work all fully managed, is like everything is under my control. I am glad that i can manage my work now, but is way to manageable till i am too boring making me feeling useless or simply thinking things that never happen or simply browsing here and there making my life more miserable. Is a total a waste of my life.

Maybe i am a least with work i won't simply thinking stuff and makes myself being so useless. I loved my work although is not match to my level of education, my colleague is unfriendly but i believe if i keep on praying for them, God will open their heart to accept me. For God never abandon his children. I am God's children as He loved us for he sent His only Son, the one without sin to die for our sin. 

Okay, back to my main point as i have work to do as my headquarters office suddenly need a report urgently on a tight schedule, my HQ is always like that, they want something from your side and needed you to submit to them in a shortage of time too. Is ok as i have not much work so is kidda challenging for me today. Guess tomorrow won't be as much like today. So is best to treasure the time which God planned for me today.

Is just like love...if you have found your loved of life...why not to take action to let her know. Treasured it k. :)

Goodnight is rather late now. Don't wanna be late for work tomorrow. Nite nite. (^^)

Tuesday, April 24, 2012


Moon?? Why moon?? A person name??

Nope, is just a normal moon we all used to see it in the dark sky with all the stars surrounding it.

To a few people they will say that "外国的月亮比较圆 " is almost the same as the saying "the grass is always greener on the other side" or in a Malay saying "hujan emas di negeri orang, hujan batu di negeri sendiri". All this is referring to, people somehow will always feel that the other side or other place is always better than the place where we are standing now.

Moon taken at 3rd months of Lunar Calendar
But the truth is, actually all the same, no matter where you are standing,  you can still see the moon in the dark sky. When the full moon is up above the sky, shining so brightly especially during the 15th of every month of Chinese Lunar Calendar, you maybe just a village girl looking at the sky of Sarawak, while there is people in Sabah as well as people in Peninsular Malaysia can see it too. I believed those in America, Australia, Canada, China, India, Korea, Taiwan, Japan and etc country or states can see it too.

So, does the saying '外国的月亮比较圆 ' (the moon at oversea is more rounder) a truth? Nope, after all is the same one and only Moon we all around the world is looking at. There is only one Moon that circulate our Planet Earth. 

But, why those saying still appear in different languages? To my thoughts is mainly because human being desires is never enough, hardly to be fulfill. They always envy the thing which they can't obtain. They always feel that the other side is the best...but never realise that the other side people will think the same as well and end up everyone is envious of each other. Actually there is nothing special even you are at my side or i am at your side. As i said earlier is it the same moon.

Lesson: Learn to accept what you don't have and what you have...before it is too late. :)

Saturday, April 21, 2012



(this Chinese poems is very meaningful,
nobody is is perfect, but it is up to you to change into a better person or not...jiayou jiayou owh...)

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Who is the third?

Last night there is a drama regarding of Laws of Attraction acted by Malaysian actors...basically a story of how these people felt loneliness and turns out to be couple.

The title of the show :)
One of the couple story is when the girl who is being cheated by her boyfriend which turn out she is only a third person appear in his marriage. As she don't want to be called a vixen she eat a massive of cakes from her cakes shop. Turned out she is craving for those cakes which is actually a psycho minded playing in herself telling her to eat as when she is fat and ugly she won't cause troubles to other people relationship or marriage.

After a long breakup with her former boyfriend, for about two weeks. He came running to her begging to be with him back. But this innocent girl wouldn't want in such a relationship as a third party. Then this boyfriend said, "You're not the 3rd person, the 3rd person is the one which is not loved."

Does this mean that the 3rd person is actually his wife?  What on earth is this lame excuses to be use?

If i'm the girl i will answer him this way, "Are you a man? You cheated me and now you blame it on your wife. If you really love me you wouldn't cheated me about your status. Today you tell me i'm not the 3rd person in this relationship, how am i going to trust you when in the future you going to say the same to other girl as well which eventually turn out your wife is always the 3rd person. Just let me go k...and you should go back to your wife and love her like the promises you did said to her during your wedding before her family is willing to give her hand to your care. Don't you remember."

Gosh! i think i can be a script writer to change others people script...hehe...This boyfriend of her is actually looks like a very nice, nerdy and innocent guy but turn out to be the opposite an untrusted man who you never knew will cheat i know why people keep saying "never judge a book by its cover".

People say a girls heart is hard to predict, but what the different to guy. Guy heart and mind is even worst which ever their motive is nobody knows. Ermm that why am i so angry..hehe...just to share my silly thoughts...haha...

GUYS: if you guy read this please no offense k...just a expression of my thoughts..nobody is prefect k...peace no war..:)

Monday, April 16, 2012

The Media Corp's drama named Breakout (破天网) is recently on-aired at NTV7 every Monday to Friday from 6pm to 7pm. The drama is really nice, acted by a bunch of handsome and pretty actors and actress.

What really amazed me is the great acting whereby nearly every actors will play two roles like she is having two personalities of confusing within herself making her look like a crazy mental problem girl and can be normal cruel cold-blooded girl when she is ok. While on the other hand her second brother is a cruel killer but gentle when meet up a girl looks like his death fiancee which he needed to kill her. Then the normal girl which had grown up in her comatose of 13 years turned out to be a 25 years old girl when she is awake but have to act as 12 years old little girl strive for her lost of 13 years. The lawyer have to be in control his temper which he needed to slap or strangle his enemy only in his imagination. The autistic kid or i should say is a grown adult is a great challenges to him.

Beside the story line what really attract my attention is the main song in this drama. The lyrics really very meaningful which make me wanna learn it and share it here. a non-Mandarin reader like a blessed that i managed to find the lyric, copied it and paste it here...:)

So I can learn it at the same time while listen to this song. Do enjoy ya!

爱还不了 所以无可救药
梦抓不到 所以谁都想要

失去和拥有 谁能分辨的好

谁不想飞的比天高 谁不想挣脱天网的牢
谁不想飞得比天高 谁不想世界为你而绕
最单纯的感动 却忘了去寻找

拥有了世界 却输掉拥抱
有什么 值得炫耀

Notes: Sometime life is like that you can have all those luxuries in your life but the most previous always is not about money is just simply a nice happy family reunite together.   

Friday, April 13, 2012


There is a saying said, "Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder."

While William Shakespeare said, "Love looks not with the eyes but with the mind and therefore is winged Cupid painted blind.

Confusing right, so beauty is define with eyes or mind? :)

Simply it means, when you love someone it doesn't matter what they look like but what is on the inside. And since Cupid is painted blind he doesn't love with his eyes but with his mind (he loves whats on the inside).

So to my own understanding which can be summarised Beauty is what others determine by the INNER BEAUTY. If we have a very beautiful inner beauty it will automatically spread out an aura making us look beauty. Although i am not a beauty or pretty but i wish i have those aura to lead others to beauty. (^_^)v

This picture is just to let you all see, is it a BEAUTY picture or not? :)

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Earthquake, Malaysian felt the tremors...

A day without Facebook or Internet is like you lost contact with the whole world especially the news. I know nothing about yesterday Banda Aceh's earthquake at 8.9 magnitude not till this morning and the tremors can be felt for those in West Peninsular Malaysia. Gosh!! how's everybody?

Haha...i was like sleeping so soundly last night without a single worrying...guess if it hits Sarawak, i'm the one to die first with my family without knowing anything. Luckily there is no big Tsunami like year 2004. Thanks God.
May God have mercy and bless you all there especially those in the affected area. Let's pray to those especially the Banda Aceh, Indonesia. 

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


A blog named "simply writing of thought" is officially born today on the 11th April 2012, a Wednesday after Easter Sunday. Yup! finally i have a blog after a very long consideration since 2009. But never have the guts to do so. And why so suddenly i make up my mind and have it after 3 years. Basically is because within the year 2012, i can say that my life is rather boring with nothing much to do either in work or at home with family. At least by having a blog to make me more enthusiastic to keep on my daily life i guess. As i don't want to waste my youthful precious time everyday doing nothing beside Facebook'ing. 

Well the name say so, is a blog on simply what my mind tell my little hand to do, that's is writing or i should say is actually typing. :)

So welcome to my little world of my thoughts of a simple yet difficult to understand girl's also a way to keep track on myself to know what mold me into who i am today when i reread all this simply writing of my thoughts later. Guess is good to use the saying, "to kill two birds with a stone."


还有三个小时就要跨2021年了。 现在几乎每家都在放鞭炮。 很热闹也很烦恼。让我在回想我的2020,是如何过来的? 是个匆匆忙忙,勉强,努力有懒散,也有酸甜苦辣熬过来的。 人生嘛,就是这样吧! 对我来说,努力奔破了一年,又要再重新开始是一个挑战。 感觉为什么,每一秒,每一分,每一...