
Sunday, April 29, 2012


Moving clouds..nice sunset
Suddenly, something trigger my brain to say this few word of wisdom which is mainly to be share or learn together.

"When you have it, it doesn't mean is yours. Even when you lost it, it doesn't mean you're going to be sad the whole life time. There is some reason or lesson meant to be learned from it. Nothing is forever. Even the clouds keep on moving in every second every minute. Even the most beautiful flower will lost its beauty. Even the moon changes its shape every single night. Nothing is certain." 

Sound sad isn't it. 

Yup, is indeed very sad.

Nothing remain forever. Even your true love, you may found it and got married, but who can predict the future. It can be you ending as a divorcee, or your the other half pass away or you are the one pass away before him/her. 

Okay, i shouldn't go into a very sad ending. Life is uncertain, am i right? You won't know when you gonna die. It can be tomorrow. Once you sleep tonight, will you be sure you can wake up, seeing the beautiful sunset, going to work or school as usual and most precious thing is keep on breathing the oxygen as usual. I believe you can't even give me your answer, cause nobody know when we are going to die.

Just to cut it short. My conclusion is love yourself and your beloved now. Because you never know when they are gone. Only God knows it. HE is the one controlling our period of life.   

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