
Monday, April 16, 2012

The Media Corp's drama named Breakout (破天网) is recently on-aired at NTV7 every Monday to Friday from 6pm to 7pm. The drama is really nice, acted by a bunch of handsome and pretty actors and actress.

What really amazed me is the great acting whereby nearly every actors will play two roles like she is having two personalities of confusing within herself making her look like a crazy mental problem girl and can be normal cruel cold-blooded girl when she is ok. While on the other hand her second brother is a cruel killer but gentle when meet up a girl looks like his death fiancee which he needed to kill her. Then the normal girl which had grown up in her comatose of 13 years turned out to be a 25 years old girl when she is awake but have to act as 12 years old little girl strive for her lost of 13 years. The lawyer have to be in control his temper which he needed to slap or strangle his enemy only in his imagination. The autistic kid or i should say is a grown adult is a great challenges to him.

Beside the story line what really attract my attention is the main song in this drama. The lyrics really very meaningful which make me wanna learn it and share it here. a non-Mandarin reader like a blessed that i managed to find the lyric, copied it and paste it here...:)

So I can learn it at the same time while listen to this song. Do enjoy ya!

爱还不了 所以无可救药
梦抓不到 所以谁都想要

失去和拥有 谁能分辨的好

谁不想飞的比天高 谁不想挣脱天网的牢
谁不想飞得比天高 谁不想世界为你而绕
最单纯的感动 却忘了去寻找

拥有了世界 却输掉拥抱
有什么 值得炫耀

Notes: Sometime life is like that you can have all those luxuries in your life but the most previous always is not about money is just simply a nice happy family reunite together.   

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