
Sunday, December 9, 2012


Oh, Hello!!

Ermm finally is December 2012. The last month of the year 2012. 

Not to be surprised by a lot of rumour saying that is going to be the End of the World in this month on the 21st onwards or something like that. Whatever Mayan's Calendar rumours, then recently I heard about is about what 3 days of darkness without sunlight. 
So, everyone lets wait patiently for what is going to happen k...hihi....

No matter what happen, dying is better than living. Living need a lot of courages, braveness to keep on surviving in this cruel, merciless and hectic world. 
In order to survive, we need food and shelter for the least, then all this lead to money. Money only can be obtain when you work. But work itself will lead you to face many challenges and eventually leads to stress or burnout. Then you try to relax a bit with stuff like movie, shopping and maybe anything just to make you happy or at least forget bout your stress. Whereby ending you gonna burn a big hole in you purse (money flow out more than your income). Then you starts to worry as is out of your budget. You can't do anything beside to keep on working to earn more money to pay of your debt like credit card, is like a circle where money leads to stress. No wonder people say Money is the root of all evil.

While dying is the end of all the story to what we keep on wondering about in our life. Nay, this is just my thinking. 

So to keep on surviving we need to plan before we shop anything. Don't simply go shopping when you're on stress. Try to relax your mind with a more cheaper method likes music where you can just get it in internet, reading ebooks, exercising by jogging around the house or light indoor exercise, doing some house chores, gardening, cooking, baking or even enjoying the beauty of nature surrounding you and etc.

2013 is coming soon about 21 days to go we all can start to make some resolution or planning. 
No matter is going to be the end of the world or not, we still need to plan ahead for we can't predict what is going to be happen.

I think is time to do some New Year's Resolution.

Will update my New Year Resolution when I have done with the list k.

Strive the best for living k. :)

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还有三个小时就要跨2021年了。 现在几乎每家都在放鞭炮。 很热闹也很烦恼。让我在回想我的2020,是如何过来的? 是个匆匆忙忙,勉强,努力有懒散,也有酸甜苦辣熬过来的。 人生嘛,就是这样吧! 对我来说,努力奔破了一年,又要再重新开始是一个挑战。 感觉为什么,每一秒,每一分,每一...