
Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas!!!

Christmas is here...
Merry Christmas!!!

We wish you a Merry Christmas, 
We wish you a Merry Christmas,
We wish you a Merry Christmas,
And a 
Happy New Year.

So what have I been doing for this festive season.
Firstly in the morning, my family and I went to the Christmas Service at my church.
Then we went visiting our church Bishop, Assistant Bishop, Reverends' Christmas open house.

Nothing much.  
I just you have a holiday
meaning free from office life a while.

the most important thing it is Jesus Christ's Birthday
A Saviour is born today.

Thanks God for giving us Jesus as our life saviour.

Good night.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Happy Winter Solstice

Happy Winter Solstice
Dong Jie Kuai Le

Although here no winter but we Chinese have this very festival called Winter Solstice.
Where family will usually do some "Tang Yuan" a dessert made from glutinous flour into balls in a sweet soup base like.

 I have the picture of the Tang Yuan which my mum make but I don't know where did I misplace it and the Bluetooth device on my phone is having a little problem. End up very unfortunately, can't be transfer to my lappy to post it here. 

Don't worry after, I will post the it here after everything is settle.

Happy ya. :)

Tang Yuan

Monday, December 9, 2013


Finally is December.
And is the 9th days already, that means a few days to go then we all will be in the year of 2014. 

Now is raining season in Malaysia.
Some places like Terengganu and Kelantan is flooding due to rain. 

If Malaysia is not located on the Equator line or maybe I am on the Northern part of the globe,
I believe the low temperature will cause the rain drops to turn into ice and is going to SNOW.

Haha...that is impossible. But I do hope to experience once in the life time of winter season.
Playing under the snow. Making snow angel and snowman.

Ermm...all this is still very far away from my dream to travel to such country.

So just enjoy the pouring rain first.
(Unfortunately today the weather is very sunny ^_^ so let's enjoy the rain next time k.
Is good for those state been effected by the heavy downpour that causes flood last week.)


Friday, November 29, 2013

Don't Think You're Alone

Life is very tough recently. 
Suddenly I remember this song in School 2013 drama titled 
Don't Think You're Alone
by Kim BoYoung
A very meaningful song. 

Here is the compilation of the translation from the video in Youtube by KookieCane13. Unfortunately the owner of the video don't allow for a re-upload its video due to it accounts.

Don't get tired, don't give up
Always overcome whatever hardships you have
When it's too hard, when it's too tiring
I will lend you my back from behind
You can set down your burdens at anytime

Don't think that you're alone 
Don't cry saying that it's hard
You and I, we know
Lean against my back 
And if you endure through this world
You will have given me a great dream

Don't rush and think ahead, 
When you're sleepy, 
Lean against the wall
Give your exhausted body a moment to rest

Don't think that you're alone 
Don't cry saying that it's hard
You and I, we know
On a very sunny day, 
for just one day
Let's be someone else

Let's hope for a different tomorrow
We can't stop

Don't think that you're alone, 
Don't cry saying that it's hard
You and I, we know
Lean against my back 
And if you endure through this world
You will have given my withstanding dream

When it comes to us, when you're struggling
It's hurting together

So there you go. I hope I do have someone that I can lean on when I am tired. Maybe only the wall will be my best leaning strength and to get myself to rest I think it should be the bed as my leaning wall...hihi. Good nite.

Monday, November 18, 2013


Is Monday!!! Another Monday!!! Ermm a few more weeks to go then is going to be 2014. A new year is coming soon...soon enough without we all realize is passing us slowly. 

Monday is always making those workers feeling lazy because is it the longest day in a week. Whereby Sunday is the shortest day in a week. Maybe it simply only apply to me. 

There is something that I learned today. What is it that? 


Helping others is an HAPPINESS. 
Happiness cannot be bought.
\When your HELPING is beneficial to others you gain NOTHING. Not even a "Thank you" But just an HAPPINESS in your heart is enough.
When it turn out unexpectedly failure to others. All you gain is a BLAME.

So from here something make me think, "Should we help this kind of people?"
But once I think no matter what is the outcome, we either gain HAPPINESS or BLAMELESS. 
.....still pondering....and wonder...and wonders....

Maybe someone who read this can help me. Just comment below if you have any suggestion. I would glad to hear from you readers. Thanks you.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Day 03: Your first Korean drama?

This one I can absolutely remembered it. It was "Autumn in My Heart" that brought me to recognized and being so addicted to Korean Dramas. 

The main actors in Autumn in My Heart

Won Bin and Song Hye Gyo is the first person of Korea that introduces me to Korea Drama. 

The child actors in Autumn in My Heart. 

Through this drama my journey to Korean Drama started. I have watch this twice on tv but and still feel like watching it again. Maybe back then I watch it in Mandarin speaking with Malay subtitle and hopefully I can spend some time to watch it original voice by the Korean actor with English subtitle. It would be more amazing. I very sad drama where the main actress pass away in the ending of the story. 

Then next I was introduce to "Winter Sonata". But I don’t really get the storyline and was busy preparing for exam during that time it was on broadcast on tv so I drop it.  Maybe I can consider to watch it again since there is a lot of recommendation to watch this drama. 

Winter Sonata

Namiseom Island
The most happening part is the filming site for this drama is being one of the tourism attraction in Korean. Is called the Namiseom Island. I wish one day I can visit the place :) .    

Tuesday, November 5, 2013


Yup...the very first thing I have to say is "SORRY" to my little bloggie.
Mama have been abandon you (blog) lately.

Just realize that I forget to update anything for the month of October 2013. Such a failure as I have resolution to at least update two posts per month. I have already fail to do it. 

Ermm so for this month (November 2013) I think I have to keep up to the momentum by at least posting four updates. Can I make it? Ermm can't promise but I don't want to be a failure so have to make some time for my blog, right? 

So let's not be gloomy and sad. I will try my very best to make it up. 

Let's enjoy with a nice and upbeat song by Super Junior titled Sorry Sorry. 

Source Video: From Youtube (SMent.)

It is a very famous song which bring me to know them. Super Junior will be coming to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia this 23rd November 2013 located at Putra Indoor Stadium for their Super Junior World Tour "Super Show 5".

Source Picture: From Google.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Day 02: Your first Japanese drama?

Japanese drama that I can remembered was Beach Boys and Great Teacher Onizuka (GTO).
I don’t really know which is first I have watched. So just let the two be my first okay.

Source Picture: From Google

Source Picture: From Google


What is the storyline I can’t really remember. If I am not mistaken I watch both during my secondary life. All I know is Takashi Sorimachi is in both dramas. GTO is a very funny drama. Come to think about it I think I should rewatch. 

Wednesday, September 25, 2013


When a friend of mine said, "Oh, Oh, Oh!" 

I thought she was singing "Oh!" by SNSD...haha...what a Kpop maniac...

Here an old song from SNSD with the lyrics "Oh, Oppa saranghae" for this lovely morning....

안녕하세요. 아침 먹어?
Annyeong haseyo. Achim meogeo?
(Good Morning. Have your breakfast?)

Source: Youtube.

Monday, September 23, 2013


Yup is another new week for September 2013. Once I opened my facebook which is also very much abandon by me myself. Knowing nothing much there is a lot of happiness news which mostly all my friends at my age is getting married already.

In Chinese Lunar Calendar the month of eighth (8) is very good for couple to marriage. Even my church member there is about four couples getting married all at once within this month.

Then all this remind me of this particular song.


詞:宇珩 / 管啟源 曲:宇珩

曾經小心 呵護的愛情

就算是愛對我 多不公平

還等甚麼 朋友們都結婚去了
和最愛的人 共度一生
我還打算 把最好的愛給你
卻已經來不及 遺憾的是
我不在 你的心裡

去旅行 看電影 天晴下雨

還等甚麼 朋友們都結婚去了
和最愛的人 共度一生
我還打算 把最好的愛給你
卻已經來不及 遺憾的是
我不在 你的心裡

還等甚麼 朋友們都結婚去了
和最愛的人 共度一生
我相信著 愛給我們的傷痕
不會平白痛的 再多轉折
對的人 會出現的

Source lyrics & Video: from Youtube.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Day 01: First Drama you watched?

I can't really remembered my first ever drama that I watched. It might be a Hong Kong drama from tvB as it was tv3 in Malaysia that keeps airing 6pm Hong Kong drama. 

Ermm or maybe during my kindergarten life where I used to watch Japanese drama on tv1 or tv2 around 5pm with my grandma while being spoon fed dinner. Although we both can’t understand Japanese converse or even the Malay subtitle but it was a sweet memory.

Source: from Google / the highlighted link.
If should at least name a title the drama, I think I should write “The Good Old Days”. The story is about a man with two wives which married at the hometown and the other at the town during his memory lost. Without both wives knowing each other existence, the second wife is full with hatred and the drama show how the two wives going through all the hardship together for their family textile business during the wars time. That is some sort of the storyline that I can remembered. 

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Drama Challenges...

Hello...or I should greet with a Korean greeting phrase, that is 'Annyeong!' or to be more formal is 'Annyeong haseyo.'

What happen to me lately that I haven't update a single thing on my pityful and lonely blog? Is already 17th of September...and this is the very very 1st post for this month...haiz...

So so so sorry my little bloggie...Mummy is being busy with Korean drama lately that have been abandon you (bloggie). Beside Korean drama is also that my internet line at home is having a little hair wire thingy. Erm how should I explain it in like when you're online, the line goes well for example, when I write the post it is fine but when you want to post it or save it for later usage it is gone and all I can see is a blank page with the upsetting face icon telling me to "TRY RELOAD THE PAGE".

Okay let me cut the sad issue short and goes with what I'm going to write for today. I said Korean drama before this K-drama addiction is on and I was browsing for new drama to watch I find out a blog write about recap of dramas. Then I don't know how I come to this title '30 Days Asian Drama Challenge' wrote by this blogger named NeeNee.

So from here I think I should write those too in my little bloggie since I am a Korean drama addict but I am a drama recap blog so I will just write the challenges only. Can I? :) May it be a reference to my memories with the Drama that I have watches. Thanks to Asian Addicts Anonymous, now at least I have a mission to write more in my blog.

The list were:

Set 1
  1. First Drama you watched?
  2. Your first Japanese Drama?
  3. Your first Korean Drama?
  4. Your first Taiwanese Drama?
  5. Your all time favourite Asian Drama?
  6. Your least favourite Asian Drama?
  7. Your favourite Japanese Drama?
  8. Your favourite Korean Drama?
  9. Your favourite Taiwanese Drama?
  10. Your favourite Drama insert song?
  11. Your favourite Drama opening?
  12. Your favourite Drama ending?
  13. The last Asian Drama you've seen?
  14. What Drama are you currently watching?
  15. Your favourite actor?
  16. Your favourite actress?
  17. Your favourite Drama character?
  18. Name a Drama you dropped, and why?
  19. Your favourite Drama genre?
  20. Your favourite Drama OST (Instrumental)? *OST = Original SoundTrack*
  21. Your least favourite Asian drama actress?
  22. Your least favourite Asian drama actor?
  23. A drama you looked forward to but disappointed you in the end?
  24. Drama with the best ending in your opinion?
  25. Drama with the worst ending in your opinion?
  26. Name an overrated Drama?
  27. Name an underrated Drama?
  28. A Drama that made you cry?
  29. A Drama that made you cry from laughter?
  30. A Drama you never get tired of?
Set 2
  1. When did you start watching Asian dramas?
  2. Which Asian Drama(s) are you currently watching.
  3. The worst Asian drama you've ever seen.
  4. Favourite couple in an Asian drama.
  5. Which Asian drama made you cry.
  6. Favourite Asian drama OST.
  7. Do you watch Asian dramas for their storyline, actors/actresses or both.
  8. Favourite male character in an Asian drama.
  9. Do you download or watcg them at a stream site?
  10. An Asian character that is most like you.
  11. Your least favourite male character.
  12. Which Asian drama genre do you mostly like to watch.
  13. Favourite female character in an Asian drama.
  14. Do you watch Asian drama that have a lot of episodes (ex. 40+)?
  15. Favourite drama season and why? (ex. summer 2007)
  16. Which Asian drama(s) would you like to see a 2nd season of.
  17. Who would you give the best acting award of all time to.
  18. Your least favourite female character.
  19. Have you rewatched an Asian drama more than 3 times? if yes, which one.
  20. Favourite drama episode.
  21. A picture of your favourite scene in an Asian drama.
  22. Your first Asian drama that you watched.
  23. What are your top 5 Asian dramas?
  24. Favourite character (insert your favourite actor/actress) has ever played.
  25. Describe Asian dramas in one word.
  26. The funniest Asian drama you've ever seen.
  27. Favourite Asian drama(s) of 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2010.
  28. Favourite thing about (insert your favourite actor/actress).
  29. How many Asian drama have you seen in total.
  30. Which Asian drama are you anticipating for the next season.
There you see there is a lot for me to think and write it for the next post.

So for the mean time there is some homework for my blog kinda fun right.

Friday, August 23, 2013


Yup is finally Friday..but something in my inner voice say is sadness...

There is sadness in my eyes but nobody see it.
Nobody is there to try at least once to understand me.
Nobody is there seem to care.

What I want? What I need? Nobody bother to ask.

I think I am grieving inside but nobody knows

I am sad.

Monday, August 5, 2013

Monday Life

Today is Monday. 
Obviously Monday is always a little blue, right?

But to more surprising is just at this very 2 hours after coming to work today, I have received two news.
One good news and the other is bad news.

The good news was a new born baby being born yesterday with the early child delivery which need to be in observation by the hospital staff. 
The next bad news was a person I know 's dad passed away yesterday to be with the Lord. 

Life is like this. On the same day a new life is born but at the same time a life is departed from the world called earth. 
Life is fragile and unpredictable. 

What a Monday news? 

Thursday, July 25, 2013


Life is a sum of all your choices ~Albert Camus~

Morning!! Today may not be my choice but I choose to be happy always.

As happiness is the leader of all. It leads to health, mood, attitude and so on.

Always be happy ya. :)

Saturday, July 6, 2013


Sometimes when you open Facebook (FB), all you can see is a bundle of friends. 

Friend from primary school, secondary school, university, colleague, relative and so on and forth which you can add or include as your friend in FB. So a total of a lot and a lot and a lot of them making you FB friend list be more than a hundred, two hundred, five hundred and some even reach up to thousand.

But out of the big number in your FB friend list.
 Do anyone you can really talk too? Does anyone who really care for you? Who really sincerely speak the truth to you?

I doubt so. Why I say so? Is because I found out all those in the friend list is just being busybody wanna know how are going bad and worst than them in order for them to show off their happy and luxury life style they are having. 

Why is this coming in my mind making me say so? 
This is because when ever I post anything in my FB there is nobody is there to comment or in simple word care for me. Sometimes I need an advice to what I am facing there is none I can really talk to even there is like more than 30 person in the online chatting session. But when things like they are getting marry next month then all the invitation in Event will be forwarded to me. Is like I am only remembered when they need my angpow or present for their wedding dinner. 

What are friend really means to them? What are all those friendships is all about? Only to be recall when you need other to wish you congratulation in your wedding? Or to make your wedding feeling like a grand one when all of your FB friend list will be able to attend it? 

Ya I know all of them having their very own little family which is eventually I'll be forgotten. 

Friendship to is a person who can be there to share your happiness and sadness together. Caring and be there to listen to you when you need them and sincerely  advice each others to make it to the best path. 

I hope I still have a friend like that to really care for me even they have their very own life and family. If not all this is just making me feel lonely whenever I log in Facebook. 

Hmm...I think I can consider to terminate my FB if this keep happening, because all this is only hurting my feeling and making me felt being left out like an outlier. Is just like my existance is unimportant anymore. 

I am sad today. 

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Self dedication :)

Happy Birthday to Me!!!

Yup, today is my birthday. Another couple of year I’ll finish my number two in front of my age. Ermm old indeed hah!!...But is okay, age is only a number but the heart keep it young will do.

So this year , as usual nothing special to celebrate this day.  But I will make it special by dedicate a Birthday Song in Korean to myself.. . :)

At least not so bad isn’t it? Okay then…thanks to the Jae Joong. Although he sang for that little girl but hearing it like this seem he is singing it to me. Thanks to the person who post it in Youtube.

생일 축하

Monday, June 24, 2013

Just random writing

안녕하세요. (Annyeong haseyo) 

Yup, is been a long time I update my blog. 

The weather is hot and stuffy. Peninsular Malaysia is in hazy state from the open air burning of forest by the nearby country. Although here in Sarawak wasn't effected by the haze but the weather is extremely hot. Feeling like the house is an oven. When you sleep, the bed is warm with heat. Hardly to fall asleep. Mostly sweating in sleep. 

Furthermore, I have been sick with the fever package for the past two weeks. 
Erm...what is fever package? :) It is Fever with cough, sore throat and flu. Now, feeling much better but the cough phlem is still with me. It is so awful which makes mine throat having the tickling feeling and the phlem is like stuck in my lung and chest.

Hope can get well as soon as possible. 

There a song I would also like to recommend for today. It has been one of my favourite song lately. This is a ballad song sang by 2AM titled "You Wouldn't Answer My Calls"a Korean band. 

Do enjoy. And take care ya (reminder to myself too ^_^)

Source Video from YouTube credit to JYPENational.

Friday, June 7, 2013

A tiring Friday :-(

Today is a very tiring Friday. Not to mention a bundle of workload awaiting to be complete by M3. The tiring part is all the after done work have to be sign by other. As though that person just getting credit upon other people hard work.

That's why I am a little bit unhappy as well. I work till my neck stiff now. Is like my neck is going to break into two anytime.

Suppose is a very happy Friday since tomorrow is weekends. But then all I get is a very painful stiff neck and a unhappy mood.

Haiz can't write much as I need to rest for my neck.
Hopefully tomorrow my neck will be fine.
Good night.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013


June is here and is already the 4th. Furthermore, after four days of Public holiday and tomorrow is working day is really feeling lazy.

What to do?

As a normal human being, working is a must.
Ok gonna sleep now to prepare for tomorrow. Good night.

Monday, May 6, 2013


What is love all about??
According to the 1 Corinthians 13: 4-8a

Love suffers long and is kind;
   love does not envy;
     love does not parade itself,
        is not puffed up;
does not behave rudely,
   does not seek its own,
      is not provoked,
        thinks no evil;
does not rejoice in iniquity,
   but rejoice in the truth;
     bears all things,
        believe all things,
hopes all things,
   endures all things.
     Love never fails.~

No matter this love is for the
♥Love between you n God,
♥Love in family,
♥Love in friendship,
♥Love your neighbour,
♥Love in a relationship,
♥Love between husband and wife,
♥Love to the world,
♥Love to the nature,
anything that ♥Love needs to be spread...
be a happy lovely person cause the world need your ♥love to make it happen.. ♥♥ 

Sunday, March 10, 2013


Hi, haven't write anything so far and today is already the 10th of March. Fast indeed the time pass by without us realising it.

When we need a lot of time to carry on our daily task, we will feel that the time is so full of jealousy and getting quicker than we thought of. I hate it the most when this occur.

Can't the time just slow down a little bit, so that I can complete all the things that I should be doing on a limited time given. 

OK, not to talk so much now as I really need to race against the time to sleep. If not I will be shortage of time to sleep in order to recharge myself for a much better usage for tomorrow. Hope each and everyday is a fruitful day (although I hate it but I have to endure with it, pray for me k) 

Wishing everyone a happy day too.

Monday, February 25, 2013

사랑은 하지 마요 / Don't Love / 不要相愛

This is a song from FT Island
(FT Island) Picture Source from Google
a South Korean boy band and also one of my most favourite song from that band. This is also a song that leads me to know more about FT Island. Although at first I can't understand what the song is all about but from the 
vocalist Lee Hong Ki singing it with full emotion and I can sense the sadness of the song. Later, I managed to get the lyric, learnt it and finally I make up my mind to post it here into my very own edition from all the combination mentioned below / credited given.

Credit Video to wintko at Youtube

Here the lyric for the song. Hope you can enjoy it.

Title of the song is:  사랑은 하지 마요 (sarangeun hajimayo) / Don't Love by FT Island

가야죠 서둘러 가야죠
gayajyo seodulleo gayajyo
I have to leave, I have to hurry and leave
要走了 要快些走了

미련이 눈물이 될테니
miryeoni nunmuri dwilteni
Affection will turn into tears

남겨진 그대 보지 못하게
namgyeojin keudae boji mothage
So that I can't see the one I left behind

좀 더 서둘러 거야죠
jom deo seodulreo gayajyo
I have to hurry a bit more and leave

우네요 떠나는 사랑이
uneyo ttonaneun sarangi
She is crying, the love that I leave

차오른 슬픔이 쏟아져
cha-oreun seulpeumi ssodajyeo
The overwhelming sadness is flowing

한걸음 조차 걷기도 힘들어
hangeoreum jocha geotgido himdeureo
It is so difficult to take a step

돌아선 채
doraseon chae
with her back to me

울고만 서 있네요
ulgoman seo itneyo
She stands, crying

사랑은 하지 마요
sarangeun haji mayo
Don't ever love

이별 이 꼭 온대요
ibyeori ggot ondaeyo
Heartbreak will surely come

숨 쉴 수도 없이 아파요
sum swel sudo eobshi apayo
It hurts to even breathe

사랑만큼 아프면 되는 줄만
sarangmankeum apeumyon dwienun julman
I thought that this would only hurt as much as I love

잊는 줄만 알았던 거죠
itneun julman alratdeon geojyo
Then I will be able to forget

아니죠 수천배는 더 아파요
anijyo suchonbae-neun do apayo
But I was wrong. It hurts a thousand times more 
但是不是的 疼痛要强过数千倍

겁나요 눈뜨고 사는게
gomnayo nuntteugo sa-neun-ge
I'm afraid of living with my eyes open

찾아도 보지 못할테니
chajado boji mothal-teni
Because I know I won't see you even if I look for you

차라리 그댈 그리워 하다가
charari keudael keuriwo hadaga
It seems better to fall asleep exhausted

지쳐 잠든 채로 사는게 낫죠
jichyo chamdeun chaero sa-neun-ge nat-jyo
After longing for you

사랑은 하지 마요
sarangeun haji mayo
Don't ever love

이별 이 꼭 온대요
ibyeori ggot ondaeyo
Heartbreak will surely come

숨 쉴 수도 없이 아파요
sum swel sudo eobshi apayo
It hurts to even breathe

사랑만큼 아프면 되는 줄만
sarangmankeum apeumyon dwienun julman
I thought that this would only hurt as much as I love

잊는 줄만 알았던 거죠
itneun chulman alratdeon geojyo
Then I will be able to forget

아니죠 수천배는 더 아파요
anijyo suchonbae-neun do apayo
But I was wrong. It hurts a thousand times more 
但是不是的 疼痛要强过数千倍

다시 다시요 안돼 안돼요
dashi dashiyo andwae andwaeyo
Just once, one more time, can't we try it? Can't we?
重来 重来吧 不行 不可以的

바보처럼 혼자 말해요
pabo-chorom honja mar-hae-yo
I cry out like an idiot to myself

사랑은 하지 마요
sarangeun haji mayo
Don't ever love

죽을만큼 아파요
chu-geul-mankeum apayo
It hurts enough to die

매일 눈물도 난다구요
mae-il nunmuldo nan-taguyo
You will cry everyday

다른 사랑 온다면 쉬울꺼라
dareun sarang ondamyon shwiul-kkora
I told myself that when love comes again

잊을꺼라 말했었는데
ijeul-kkora marhaesson-neunde
that it would be easier and that it would last

아니죠 내 사랑은 안되네요
anijyo nae sarangeun andwineyo
But I was wrong. Not for my love
但是不是的 我的爱不可以

(Lee Hong Ki) Picture Source from Google.
Not for me

Korean wording -
Hangul -
English translation -
Mandarin - grace

Tuesday, February 19, 2013


A China dating game show name "非诚勿扰"
ask my mum what is it, she say "Fēi chéng wù rǎo"
Google tell me it is, "You are the one" 

♥nice one right♥  but what happen before all the above explanation is...
before all this i was thinking...why the show in english name is "Prefect Match" 

while i heard it as "fei chAng wu rao" where my mind telling me is "wu rao" as disturbance..."fei chAng"  is long term...

So finally my own interpretation is "A long term disturbance" :)
I was shock and after that i seek my mum to ask why the show and the title of the show is so much different? it like coming to the show for the point to get highly rated show...not for finding their life partner?? 

Mum said, "Cheng"...Sincere...not "chAng"

so i googled and Google explained it more well as when i try to break up the words and here it goes:

非= Non
诚= Sincere
勿= Do not
扰= Interference

so i got is just simply mean that if "You are not sincere, please don't come to The Show to seek for the single ladies"  :)

Notes: After all Girls' ♥heart♥ is not meant to be play...their heart is very fragile...they only give their heart to the one they can trust and love, just like the title "You Are The One." So beware and handle it with care...once is broken is consider lah...i mean it can be heal BUT the scars will remain there forever ...and it sure need a veryyy longgg time to beware ya...

Monday, February 18, 2013

February 2013

After all now we are all in the second month of year 2013. Fast right? 

Feeling like haven't done anything and time just slip by.

February is indeed a busy month for me too:
  • with Chinese New Year preparation before Chinese New Year...spring cleaning, baking biscuit and cakes, helping cooking for reunion dinner night (very very tired) 
  • during Chinese New Year was all the serving during relative visiting over, then our visiting to the relative homes

Ending, I fall sick for the whole Chinese New Year starting from the very first day of Chinese New Year...haiz...such a weakling 

Okay okay cut the crap out and here I am wishing everyone (Chinese) 

"A Very Happy and Prosperous Snake Year. 
May everyone be Healthy and Joyous throughout the Year.
Huat Arhhhh!!! 
Gong Xi Fatt Chai" 


Sunday, January 27, 2013


Hi, there...

Haven't write anything lately, being very busy? Erm I can say is definitely a YES...hehe...workload double up, some family member passed away, some cousin get married...Ermm is an up and down of life.


Today I see you happy, tomorrow you may be sad.

Today is wedding ceremony, and next coming up might be funeral.

There is babies being born each and every single hour,
   but not to forget there is also some people depart from this world too.

Life is no guarantee always on the sweetest and happy moment.

We need to take it and be brave to let go.


That is life?? Ermm I also can't explain what is life all about.

To me is like a waste of time to keep on living sometimes. 

Because knowing we all will depart one day.
Knowing what we gain right now will be gone someday.
Knowing we work hard to accomplish it but when we are gone, all have to be left behind.


A short poem? Nay, just something coming out from my thoughts. It doesn't rhyme too. 


还有三个小时就要跨2021年了。 现在几乎每家都在放鞭炮。 很热闹也很烦恼。让我在回想我的2020,是如何过来的? 是个匆匆忙忙,勉强,努力有懒散,也有酸甜苦辣熬过来的。 人生嘛,就是这样吧! 对我来说,努力奔破了一年,又要再重新开始是一个挑战。 感觉为什么,每一秒,每一分,每一...