
Tuesday, December 25, 2012

2013 Resolution

Oh, Hi!! Merry Christmas!!!

As I have said before to make a New Year Resolution. So after I have consider the most main point I want to set for my 2013 Resolution is to be HAPPY.

Here is actually the list I have made:
  • Be happy
  • Drink more water
  • Eat well 
  • Exercise
  • Update blog at least twice a month
Hopefully I have a strong will to accomplish all this. Wish me luck ya.

Again, I wish everyone here, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year for 2013. Have a blessed year ahead ya. What we achieved or can't achieve in year 2012 let's work more harder to gain it k. 


Thursday, December 13, 2012


On the 11th of December 2012 midnight I can't fell asleep and sharp on the 12am midnight is the 12th December 2012 or to make it nicely is 121212. A very nice number indeed.

What I was I thinking or looking at? 

Looking out from my bedroom window is actually a piece of very dark sky. I look blankly at it, thinking why so black?. But without knowing, when I focus on a certain place of the dark dark sky, actually there is a little little shine for the star glowing it's little brightness in the dark sky.

When this happen and slowly i realize there is more for this little star in the sky. Wow, how amazing it is? 

All we need to do is FOCUS, even the darkest piece of thing there is a little brightness to each and very thing. 

I hope I do shine even the slightest of the bright I can bring. At least make me feel I'm useful to this world too not just a parasite. :)

Sunday, December 9, 2012


Oh, Hello!!

Ermm finally is December 2012. The last month of the year 2012. 

Not to be surprised by a lot of rumour saying that is going to be the End of the World in this month on the 21st onwards or something like that. Whatever Mayan's Calendar rumours, then recently I heard about is about what 3 days of darkness without sunlight. 
So, everyone lets wait patiently for what is going to happen k...hihi....

No matter what happen, dying is better than living. Living need a lot of courages, braveness to keep on surviving in this cruel, merciless and hectic world. 
In order to survive, we need food and shelter for the least, then all this lead to money. Money only can be obtain when you work. But work itself will lead you to face many challenges and eventually leads to stress or burnout. Then you try to relax a bit with stuff like movie, shopping and maybe anything just to make you happy or at least forget bout your stress. Whereby ending you gonna burn a big hole in you purse (money flow out more than your income). Then you starts to worry as is out of your budget. You can't do anything beside to keep on working to earn more money to pay of your debt like credit card, is like a circle where money leads to stress. No wonder people say Money is the root of all evil.

While dying is the end of all the story to what we keep on wondering about in our life. Nay, this is just my thinking. 

So to keep on surviving we need to plan before we shop anything. Don't simply go shopping when you're on stress. Try to relax your mind with a more cheaper method likes music where you can just get it in internet, reading ebooks, exercising by jogging around the house or light indoor exercise, doing some house chores, gardening, cooking, baking or even enjoying the beauty of nature surrounding you and etc.

2013 is coming soon about 21 days to go we all can start to make some resolution or planning. 
No matter is going to be the end of the world or not, we still need to plan ahead for we can't predict what is going to be happen.

I think is time to do some New Year's Resolution.

Will update my New Year Resolution when I have done with the list k.

Strive the best for living k. :)

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Relaxing time

Hello!! :)

Haven't write anything nearly for a month. I was very busy lately. Almost having a very tight schedule daily. Right now I can have a break (a least for a while...hehe) and then will be continuing being busy till next week...I guess. As I never know what may come up to my schedule :)

Ermm...come to think about it this November of 2012 is going to finish real soon too. December will be coming around the corner. Then 2013 is waving to say HELLO too. Times really fly by real quick when we are being busying around and if we are being lad back then time is moving so so slow. 

No matter what happen, Time is Gold after all so hope everyone is having a quality time.

Hah! not to forget even when you're busy you still need to have a little bit time for yourself and family and time to relax too.

So I hope everyone can enjoy this piece of song to release the stress and tension if you are busy like me too. 


This piece is a song played by Depapepe a duo Japan acoustic guitarists. I get to know this duo from this song below and found that the above music is nice for soothing mind.


This piece of music is originated by Depapepe titled START. And according to this video is being replay by FT Island - Song SeungHyun (left) and Choi JongHun (right) with their very own version (a slower version).  

Seeing both joyous guy to play the guitar really make me relax and smile. Thanks Song SeungHyun and Choi JongHun for recommend me this Depapepe.

Ok do enjoy the music k.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Stop and Stare by One Republic

Stop and Stare, I think I'm moving but I go nowhere...I know that everyone gets scared...I've become what I can't be...You starts to wonder why you're here not'd give anything to get what's fair...but fair ain't what you really need...untie the weight bags, I never thought I could...Steady feet, don't fail me now...I'm gonna run till you can't walk...Do you see what I see??

Yeah, I know this is not a very new song. Is like it launched before 2010, but the lyric is how I felt recently. The above paragraph is a part of the lyric from this song Stop and Stare  by One Republic. I rarely listened to English song, if I do there is a reason to the song that captured my heart and soul for me to listen it more. 

From this song I start to ponder, why I am here but there?  Even I tried my very best there is people surrounding me will pull me down. There is more to it actually but I don't know how to express it by words. 

Ok, I guess take for today. And sorry for never update you for so long.

(Source of video: from Youtube)

Wednesday, October 3, 2012


The remarkable thing we have is a choice every day regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day. 
We cannot change our past. 
We cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. 
We cannot change the inevitable. 
The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our ATTITUDE. 
~Charles R. Swindoll~

This is a quote I read from somewhere. Is a very nice quote for motivation that made me want to jot down here for sharing purposes. Hope you all will gain something from reading this quote. 

Okay that for today or I can say is the first article I write in this month of Oktober 2012. :) 

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Lunch satisfaction

Xīnkǔle yī zhěng tiān, zuì kuàilè de shì nénggòu chī yī dùn wǔcān.
Zhèyàng, wǒ jiù xīnmǎnyìzúle.

Do you realize we took most of our daily time into working? We spent most of our time on working more than at home (excluding sleeping okay). So during those hard working days we have done the whole morning, we should feel very privilege to have our lunch meal. That is the most precious thing for me because sometime I have to work during my lunch time. This mean I am working with empty stomach, is making me feeling very uneasily and can't concentrate properly with my work. In conclusion, all work and no lunch I will be very sad. :)

Alright that is my very satisfaction for having my lunch meal during working. Everyone should be be satisfied to what they have although is just a small lunch meal. You don't have to be rich, to be popular in order to be happy. Even the smallest thing is the simpler way of happiness.

Be happy ya!!

Thursday, September 20, 2012


Thanksgiving (感恩).

The Revd. of my church gave a very interesting sermon past few months ago. Is about Thanksgiving to God regardless of any circumstances we are going through.

What I managed to kept in mind is giving thanks to God is mainly divided into three (3) main categories which is:
1) Thanksgiving to God for our past
2) Thanksgiving to God for our present
3) Thanksgiving to God for our future

(Below elaboration is basically on my very own understanding, none is from The Revd. of my church except the purple colour wording)

Our Past such as what we went through in the process of learning and turned into who we are today no matter you are a successful person or not till today. For God's loving that send Jesus Christ to sacrifice on the cross for our sins. For our parents gave birth, educated and brought us up into who we are today.

Present, for today that we can still wake up to see the beautiful morning light. For today that everything going smoothly as God's planned before us. For today each and everything we have no matter big or small. For the air we breath in, for the sky is blue and fair, for the flowers to blooms, and more for today that you think is good to give thanks to.

Future, for our next generation to keep in faith in Christ. For us to stay healthy, strong and happy in serving Him Our Lord. For each and everything you can think of for your future example our world, country and everything.

The purple colour wording is really making me to ponder, as I never thoughts of praying for my next generation. The only future things I did pray for is my family, my work and my true love soul mate God has planned for me but never I include my future generation. Guess I'm gonna put it into my list of prayer :) 

Oh yeah! remember to pray and give thanks to God not only to the good but also to the bad things you went through. This is because for me, each and everything that we encounter is planned by God to teach us a lesson, to test us, to learn to be more wiser for the next life challenges and not to forget to get us closer and depending on Him our Lord.

(Below this video clip is from Youtube to let's us sing Thanksgiving to God...sorry I found this in Mandarin and there is not translation to it...maybe I will translate it on next post.)

Do enjoy the song and may God blesses always be with you all. Good night.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Just :)

Oh, hi bloggie :) 

Just realize I have been neglecting you, my little bloggie. And hi there to my readers who keep on supporting me by commenting on my Message/ Chat Box...I am so happy knowing a lot of you do read my little not so thoughtful writing. Thanks a lot.

Ok, why am I suddenly writing is because is so stuffy and hot here in my bedroom, making me can't have a good night sleep. I am writing this outside my bedroom where the big fan is facing me. Ya, fan which is switch on with the most maximum number, that is 5.

The weather is so hot and my neighbourhood still keep on burning rubbish nearly very single day on this week. This is making me uncomfortable with the smelly smoke, making me thinking that I am inhaling the bad polluted air into my lungs. Ermm...gonna have a lot and a lots of water to cleanse it, right. 

Okay I think is too late if I still don't sleep I will have difficulty in waking up early for work tomorrow. 

So there, Good Night and Sweet Dream from ME to you all out there. 

Monday, August 6, 2012

Champion to our eyes

The after final match interview with Lee Chong Wei at 2012 Olympic-London
Sources: Youtube

Datuk Lee Chong Wei, have done his very best in the single men badminton match last night (05th August 2012 8pm-Malaysia time) at the Olympic Games. Although he got 2nd and obtained a silver medal, we Malaysian are proud of you bringing back to us the very 1st medal for our country making our country name goes into the list of Olympic Medal.

From above to clockwise: 1) Just right after he being defeated by Lin Dan at Olympic 2012.
2) During the medal receiving ceremony, Datuk Lee Chong Wei's eyes is in teary.
3) This is from the last match at the Thomas Cup match causing him to injured his ankle. 
Sources: From Google browsing.
Datuk Lee Chong Wei, you have done a great job and we love you. We knew this was your last match before retirement from the badminton games. But we also know that you can only be able to have full trainning for just 2 weeks before the Olympic game. And it was just right after you recover of your sprained ankle from Thomas Cup 2 months ago. And you're not fully recovered since your leg is still swollen and need pain killer all the while in the Olympic game.

Datuk Lee Chong Wei victorious picture (silver medal for Malaysia) with Lin Dan (middle) and Chen Long (right) at Olympic 2012.
Source: From Google.
Although I'm not a person who like sports or watch any sports, but I remember I knew you from the 2008 Olympic Game, during your final round. And I also watched you last night. You making me love badminton game. From your last night game you teaches me something that is "never give up no matter any circumstance you occur, try your very best before you give up and last but not least is to accept any result you obtain from the hard work you gave."

Hope Datuk Lee Chong Wei will have a good rest and have a speedy recovery to his ankle. You are always our champion (gold) although you obtain a silver medal. 

More info about our champion is here in the wikipedia I found  

Saturday, July 21, 2012


Is Saturday again!! (^_^) I love weekends...cause no need to work. But later gonna helps Mum with house chores. 

Last night we had our dinner at KFC. Urm..KFC! What'a so special? Is all about Fried Chicken and Pepsi. a special KFC outlet I had encounter. This is a KFC Saujana in Kuching, runs by the hearing and speech impaired staffs. All the staff used sign language to serve customer, and they all done a great job. I can see them smile happily as there is no difference between them with normal people as they work for their living too.

One thing that really impressed me was their determination to work their best even they have the disabilities to talk and hear what we customer trying to say to them. Their never give up and the patience is what really make me looking into it.

During my meal enjoying moment, I was wondering do they communicate like we do? Won't they feel lonely in their world? And, Yes!! they did too. They talk to their colleague in sign language when there is no order from customer. Glad they do have friend to talk to. 

Is a great place as they can serve you well. This Saujana outlet is rather quite as not much customer seem willing to come to such KFC compared to the other outlet in Kuching. Maybe to some people is rather inconvenience when you wanna make your order to the disabilities. But to me is so much convenience as we no need to queue for a long minutes to get our meal. And there is so much choices of preference to chose for your sits. The quiet ambience is really making me enjoyed my meal well. I am looking forwards to come here for my next KFC's meal. Is gonna be a great place for my KFC meal. ^ ^ 

This is the sign language I obtained from Google. 
I planned to learn a bit of the sign language so next time my coming will be easier for them and for me :)

Disabilities doesn't hindrance a person if you never give up on trying. We the normal human being should learned from them too be patience and never give up. Everybody is the same.

for more info about this KFC Saujana i have found this on Google search. Just click the link below:

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Long or Short??

Short hair is better?? But Rainie Yang (杨丞琳)is good in all kinds of hair style. She is cute in long hair and sweet mature in short hair.

Rainie Yang in short hair style.

Short hair again :)
If you have a V shape face, all I can say is a universal suitor, basically means it suit in all kinds of hair style. It doesn't matter long or short.  

Rainie Yang's long straight hair.

Taylor Swift's long perm hair style

My hair now is long ( is just longer a bit than shoulder length) and I am still considering to keep it till waist length to get a perm like Taylor Swift.

Her tied-up perm hair so pretty :)

See Taylor Swift's tied-up permed hair is so neat and have a little wavy is very nice. I love her hair style. 

The side view of Taylor Swift tied-up permed hair.

But look closely both this two beauties celebrities either Rainie Yang or Taylor Swift is having a very pretty V shape face. 

Mine is a round shape face. Huh! I did once cut my hair short like Rainie Yang's but turn out being a laughing stock in my office. They said I look like the oldies lady. 
So I let it grow longer to get a perm but I'm afraid to perm it as if it turns out be a disastrous, How am I going to face it? Haiz...or I just let it grow into nice and long straight hair like Rainie...ermm still a long way to consider as right now is still short...will let it be long only decide k...^^

Souces: All the above pictures is from Google search and the video is from Youtube.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Facebook Alert?

Facebook or mostly be called FB. What wrong with it?

Wanna post self-picture in FB but afraid of irresponsible people misuse it? I also gets some warning from my family to stop using Fb as it is not safe to the public world to tell each and everything of myself to public.

So guess I'm gonna be using less and lesser FB in future, if no choice I'll terminate it too..but guess just becareful when you are using FB...that all. For more detail just check it out from the below picture I get it from FB as how this photoshop or the high technologies nowadays can do to work as disguise from our picture posted in FB. 

Sisters be alert..!! This is a
confirmed message that, a new
online business group from
srilanka is selling females edited
photos to porn sites by
downloading the girls photos
from their facebook profile..!!
Atleast put some privacy to your
Our sincere advice...!!

Just watch out whenever you're using Facebook, k. Take care everyone. ^^

Saturday, June 30, 2012

First half of year 2012 is gone..

Time fly by real fast. Is 30th June 2012 and tomorrow is 1st July of 2012, this is showing that half year is exactly just past by and tomorrow all of us is going into the next half year of the 2012 before going into 2013.

Today is my birthday too...every year on my birthday I will remember how time had just past by, no matter with knowing it or not. Time won't wait for you. That's why there is a saying "Time is gold".

But during this day the most important on this very special day of mine is I will always remember how my mum had sacrifice in a battle of her life to gave birth to me. Unlike mostly people just wanted a birthday present, special wishes and celebration on their birthday. But mine is just two hard-boiled eggs as breakfast. That will make my day. :) That is what my mum always told me. We are from poor family having two eggs is way too good enough already. As I grow up I love to eat cakes. Maybe is from the carving I don't have birthday cakes during my younger year back then. 

Nay! is just I like to eat cakes...hehe...

some nice tempting cheesecakes photo for myself :)

In a nutshell, year 2012 is gone for the first half and next half year is going to be use more wisely to fulfil our resolution as we planned from the beginning of the year which not we not yet achieved it. Let's put more effort into it. Gambateneh!!     

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Monday Blues

Today I'm totally blur. Is Monday so I'm sure I am a little bit blur. (Monday bluess..OooOo)

Coming to work knowing nothing much to do (as usual having my laptop as my companion ) but then I forget to bring my laptop charger. So end up I can't open my laptop for too long. I just manage to glance through a few emails and have to shut it down to prevent it can't be opened during afternoon (my 2nd time email checking).

I'm a little blur as well...ermm maybe due to something occurred last night. Nay just forget about it as I wouldn't want to spoil my lovely blog.

Then my office having a lot of pregnant ladies recently. Well as everybody knows 11th November 2011 (11.11.11) last year is a very good or I can say is indeed a very special day to get married. So this year all those newly wed ladies is preggy this year (2012). But some of them married at the early of the year 2011, so their babies is due this early of 2012. The new born babies is so cute, adorable, chubby (unfortunately I don't have the babies photo ^^ )

The point is...when i told them "Owh! the babies is so cute, so chubby, so adorable." Ehem ehem..there come the mood spoiler question. My colleague will say, "You can have one of yours too. Go and get marry." Glup...all I can do is smile and can't say a thing. Is like my expression on my face which I can't express it so all I can do is express in my heart is (-_-|||)...

I will too when my Prince manage to find me. I'm sure he is somewhere out there wandering and searching for me too. Right or not, my dearest Prince. :)

~written on 18th June 2012, Monday on a piece of paper~


Video Source is from Dellafans at Youtube

As I type this from my draft paper I found this piece of song is very suitable for the situation above.
Is a song from Della Ding Dang (叮当) titled 一半 (in English is The Other Half)

Is a rather sad enjoy ya...

Friday, June 8, 2012


"The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek" by Joseph Campbell.

"The only thing we have to fear is fear itself." by Franklin Roosevelt.

This two words of wisdom really get me into thinking. We use to be fear or afraid to do something that we really want to pursue. We want something so badly but never have the urge to do so.

It is because we are fear. Fear of failure, fear of being rejected, fear of disappointment, fear of losing something more valuable when we do it, fear and fear and more fear will be out of our mind before we do it. All the possibility of fear we kept thinking making us to be more afraid to do it.

But do we really have to do each and everything just because we desire it. Let's say you want to be rich and a friend of yours knew a way to get you to be rich but is an outlaw ways, because you're fear of the laws and regulation, so you never did it. Is that a bad or a good thing? In such situation for me is good to be fear if not your are gonna be ending up in jail.

How about relationship? Some people they admire someone too much but never dare to voice it out. As like this, that person just kept to him/herself as they don't wanna ruin the friendship if it is being rejected after saying everything. At least he/she knew that he/she will still have their best friend or can still be by her/his side whenever she/he need him/her. As i know is, happiness not necessarily to have them, staying by each other side is also a happiness. Seeing the other happy, I believe you will be happy too. Unlike some people with too much bravery, chase the girl or guy till wanna commit suicide, attempt to kill the person he/she loved, and etc. Too dramatic already can scare the person away. Not even a friend can be consider but to put thing worst is you wish you never meet such crazy admirer.

So, I guess being fear or afraid is nothing wrong right. So next time don't simply scold you're friend coward...okay.

Thursday, June 7, 2012


Yes, is been a while i didn't update my blog. To be exact is pass seven days already. Is almost a week hah.

Okay, what is in my mind today is, we use to hurt ourselves without we knowing it or via verse. Don't you people agree.

Let's see, for example sometimes i really don't know how did i hurt myself, till i wash my hand or take a bath only i can feel the pain. If i had a paper cut i didn't realize it and is so painful to my finger or palms when it goes under running tap water. If i accidently rushing into something like knocked between chair or table i didn't realize it too, and when i bath only i feel the sore it gave on the knocking legs. It do give me some blue black bruise too.

Ya, i know i do sometime hurts other as well without i myself knowing it, especially to my most closest family member. Sometime, i think i am doing the correct thing but to them i am actually hurting them already. When i try to correct them they take it as my rebellious. Then all they gonna do is to hurt me more with words. All my pride and self-esteem is getting to the lowest point ever. But who cares. To them i am there disobedient daughter, even i treat them good (or maybe this is what i think i m all the while..self-confused). To honestly speaking, i am actually a very low self-esteem person, introvert, a not attractive to eyes of most people. So when they hurt me is like i am the worst creature God have made me to be on this earth. If i have problems to them only i can voice out but to them also they will use those problems as the weapon to hurt me more during a mouth fighting time.

Is terrible feeling i am having but who is there to care. For them is they are the adult, i am their kids so the kids have to be obeying every single word they said and done. I try to be happy each day since my working environment and situation is not very pleasing. But to me the most important is my family. I am living for them but when things crack up in the family matters regarding me i will be hurt the most in my mentally but do they know it. Even i told them nobody is there to care cause i am the one who is wrong.

Hurting is very painful. Even hurting our hand accidently with paper cuts, how bout mentally hurt?

And i never plan to write anything sad in my beautiful blog as this is gonna be a very beautiful journey for me, which is meant to be treasure. But since i don't have anyone to voice out i can only mumble it here. Sorry to make you all my readers read all this sad things.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Last day of May 2012

Today is the last day of May 2012. So fast the time past by. We all almost going to the month of June 2012. Is just a few hours from now.

Tomorrow is Hari Gawai Dayak, a Public Holiday for those working in Sarawak. Here people used to wish Gayu Guru Gerai Nyamai during this event to the Iban, Dayak and etc (mostly the native people which we called them Bumiputera of the land Sarawak). Gayu Guru Gerai Nyamai is just the similar meaning to Hari Gawai Dayak. This Hari Gawai festival is a symbol of celebration to the Harvest Festival in Sarawak (if i am not wrong :D )

So, as the Public holiday fall on tomorrow the 1st (Saturday) and 2nd (Sunday) June of 2012, the authorities gave us another replacement holiday on the 4th June (Monday) since the Sunday is a weekends. Cool, huh!! i am having a direct holiday from 1st till 4th June 2012.

That's all for today. Nothing much for now as i am very sleepy. Hot weather always makes my eyes lazy. Good night.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

two weeks past

Is been a long time i didn't update my blog, is like 2 weeks already.

Ermm..i almost forget bout my blog as i'm so obsessed with Korean drama recently. Then i am so tired taking bus trip home since last week under heavy rain almost everyday. All this making me tired and i can sleep as early as 9pm, but still wake up at the same time as usual. Not earlier, no extra energy even i sleep still the same me like the me when i sleep at 10pm.

Okay, not much to write for today as i m feeling sleepy now.

Tomorrow is the 30th of May 2012 is also a called Pesta Kaamatan for those Sabahan. The Sabah is going to have 2 days of public holiday starting tomorrow with 31st May. Happy Holiday to those Sabahan.

Good night, world. Zzzz

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Happy Mother's Day

Today is Mother's Day for the year 2012. Mother's Day can be celebrate within this weekends either on Saturday or Sunday (tomorrow).

Well, we didn't celebrate it. Ermm, nothing much to say, as for me...Mother's Day is not a just a day for you to show loved by sending gifts and a dinner treat to your mother on today only. It should be showed on each and everyday your caring, appreciation and obedient towards her. For her taking cared to you since you are in her womb, on the night you were sick how she stay awake to make sure you take your medicine on time and etc. 

Just try to remember how she undergo all the troubles and sacrifice to make sure you be a successful human you are today. For those who still have your mom please do appreciate her deeds to you. She may be a little bit nagging for time to time, but all her nagged is a beautiful advice which you gonna miss when she is gone one day. If your away from home, do keep in touch with your family as often as can be. Never abandon them your parents.

So, here i wish every women who is called mother, Happy Mother's Day to you...and of course to my beloved Mummy who keeps sheltered me and my family from neither daily sunny nor rainy day. Thanks, Mummy and sorry for all my bad. I will try to be a good daughter to you. 

Happy Mother's Day. 

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Why Malaysian unmarried?

Yesterday, i read on a very interesting news article on The Star online, the header said, "Survey: 60.4% men unmarried". What i really wanted to highlight a few interesting facts is: 
  1. About 2.5 million Malaysian, aged 25 and above are unmarried.
  2. There are more single men (60.4%) than women (30.6%).
  3. The average age of of men marrying is 28 while women is 25.7
  4. 44.7% men didn't marry due to financial problems.
  5. 40% women because they have not found eligible suitors.

 for more information read this :

or a summarize in the picture i manage to find as below... 
As the above facts from survey showed there is more men unmarried compared to women in Malaysia.
It goes along with a few point from the respondents answers "Why Malaysian unmarried?"

The main point or reason for men unmarried is financial problems. Why this occurs? Ok from my point of view is:
  1. Men is being very extravagant, they use to show off their high tech gadgets. They need to save up for the future not only for himself but to the future family he is going to set up with. 
  2. Men on courting stage is courting the wrong kinds of women. In this stage, the women might be a big money splendour, no point as it increasing the debt men already have and finally end up adding to the amount of the percentage of singleness to men.  
  3. We hardly see men in the tertiary education level like in University. Hence, i believe most of the men work as the lower post in the working world. Eventually they don't have a very high pay to be save to.
  4. Men should stop using credit card as they will lost control will buying this and that without realizing.
  5. High living cost making men goes in debt, as earning is not enough for living.

While for the women main reason is no suitable candidates. Why? Again is just my opinion.
  1. Women is being too choosy. They want financial stable and handsome men. As you see most of the men is having financial problem so definitely the women will turn to no suitable men.
  2. No men want them or hardly meet any men. Social cycle is too small or too introvert.
  3. Women are more financial stable, and work as most higher post in working world, as they get to tertiary education compared to most men. Eventually causing men do not dare to approach women. 
  4. They depends too much on men financial support during courting causing men to have financial problem.
  5. They are lack of trust to men, as men is easily changed heart. Women needs faithful and reliable men in taking the duties as husband and father to their child. Women need men who can share duty on house chore, which most men won't have. 
  6. They are lack of confidence as men seek for young, nice figure and pretty girl, which most asian women don't have.
"Each [one] has his own gift from God, one has this gift, another has that." 
1 Corinthians 7:7


just be happy no matter you are in what kind of condition. 

Monday, May 7, 2012

《寂寞同盟》Laws of Attraction theme song

This is the opening theme song in 寂寞同盟 or Laws of Attraction drama.
The title of the song is 《寂寞出口》 sang by Victor 李俊潔 with Meeia 符瓊音.
Below this is the lyric to the song. To me it is so meaningful.

Note: ♥ here means Love...:)

男:                                                       Boy:                                             
想 看清那爱的脸孔                              Wanna see the face of ♥
话题一点就能懂                                   Little topic also can be understand                        
如果能猜透 你的梦 我就不会词穷     If knows your dream, will not stumped

女:                                                       Girl:
想 要把爱紧握手中                              Wanna grip hold of ♥
可是当越在乎 它就更容易失控          But the urge for it will easier lost it
终于翻起 暗用                                      Finally used to in darkness

男:无力卷入爱换爱                           Boy: Inability to involve in exchange ♥ for ♥ 
合: 对对碰的漩涡                              Both: Right touch will turn on the swirl               

男:                                                       Boy:
我只想把我的感动                               I wanna put my feeling
分一半到你心里的天空                       Share half to your sky of heart
没收 所有的难过                                  To confiscation all your sadness
寂寞也能做 最好的朋友                      Loneliness all can do best friend

女:                                                       Girl:
我会好好过每秒钟                               I'll make good use of every 2nd
被疼爱是恩宠                                       ♥ is grace
感谢你最后                                           Thank you for your final 
选择陪我走到最后                                choice to accompany me till the end
让寂寞有了出口                                   Let loneliness have ways out 

男:                                                       Boy:
你不知道 (女:从不知道)              You don't know (Girl: Never know)
命中注定那个 一直默默为你守候      Destiny that has been quietly waiting for you

女:                                                       Girl:
你不知道 (男: 我不知道)             You do't know (Boy: I don't know)
找了很久很久 属于我 的拥抱             Looking for a long, long time my hug

合: 这次觉不放掉                              Both: This perception will never let go

My Favourite is 感谢你最后 选择陪我走到最后 & 命中注定那个 一直默默为你守候.

Thursday, May 3, 2012


This is some very nice words meant to be remembered and practice in our lifetime. Is adapted from the  Media Corp Singaporean drama named Breakout. Is at the few last episode before to the ending. 

Notes: F = female aka Yang NianQing;  M = Male aka Situ DongChen; the highlighted wording is the most important word for our life. 
Do enjoy as there is the movie clip beneath of this dialogue. 

F: Do you have a lot of hatred? If you hadn't been jailed and stripped of your lawyer's licence, you'd be rich and famous now. So you must be filled with hatred.

M: Yes. I'm so overcome by hatred that I can't sleep at night. The feeling doesn't subside as time goes by. On the contrary, it gets stronger.

F: Then you should have left me to my fate to assuage your hatred.

M: Hmm...If I succeed in getting my revenge, will that really assuage my hatred? Perhaps. Or perhaps it will create a new source of misery and hatred. :)
Have you ever seen such a sky as far as you can remember?

F: No.

M: The fact is, such a sky is always there. Just lift your head and you will see it. But the trouble is we won't even do so. And even if we do lift our heads we still won't see it. Because there are far too many things blocking our view. If I hadn't lost everything, I'd be a rich and famous lawyer by now. And perhaps I would never sit here in the setting sun and lift my head to look at this sky. Providence is fair. When you lose something you will gain back in other ways. I've lost fame and fortune. But I've gained a sky. :)
Come, let's enjoy our fried rice in the setting sun. I'm sure it's something you've never tried before.

F: Situ DongChen, you don't hate anymore?

M: I'm trying not to, but it's not easy. I need to look at the sky and the fallen leaves more. Speaking of which, I have to thank Zhou JieMing.

            (Below this is the part of the drama that i trimmed...from in Mandarin speaking with English subtitle ) 

Tuesday, May 1, 2012


Sometimes life is like this saying "你看我好, 我看你好". 

But do they know that behind my smile there is some hidden sorrow deep down in my heart. So is others people smiling faces too. Actually there is nothing to be envious about. 

Different people having different life path. Some people have to undergo the long path (walking), went through the hard rock of climbing, barrier awaiting ahead them. While some just need to under went through the short-cut (flight), which is simpler and easier path. But both reach the same destination as well. Is doesn't really matter how you get to the destination. The main point is you will pick up some valuable value or morale lesson along the travelling path. That is what making you an awesome person, unique in every sense every way. 

This is what life is mainly about, be it in marriage or work. Is the matter of the way you travelled, the timing and your effort you put into it...

To crack some jokes with this point of view is:
I can't run cause I am a fatty girl, wanna take up flight but unaffordable, wanna drive but don't have a car, so end up I'm using walking, that why is a little bit slow compared to other. But don't you think that slow and steady win the race.

Though i can't denial is a bit tired and something causing me to give up but i believe there is some good lesson to be learned. So c'mon let's be brave to walk up this life path. 加油!加油!

Labour's Day

April 2012 is gone...and May is here today. Today is also a Public Holiday for those Labourer/Worker to have a nice holidaying after a long working year. Is just like letting the worker to recharge it human battery either in mentally or physically to prepare for a longer work after that. (My very own understanding :) )

So since today is a holiday, what am i doing? Doing nothing. Okay not going to say much since all is so blue today. Is kinda sad today. But i don't wanna spoilt it in my blog. 

So just to cut thing short, Happy Labour's Day to all out there...i wish i am happy too...:(

Monday, April 30, 2012


(^_^) happy today i manage to find a "Translate" Gadget for my little bloggie..

By this way, all my beloved reader can choose any preferred languages by just a click from the drop down menu at the top right corner named "Translate". Thanks to Google for providing such an ease for people especially like me, who is a banana :D

is just like this icon at the top right corner of this blog :)

So, do just feel free to select any preferred language that for your ease to enjoy reading my blog and thanks for dropping by to my blog :)

Sunday, April 29, 2012


Moving clouds..nice sunset
Suddenly, something trigger my brain to say this few word of wisdom which is mainly to be share or learn together.

"When you have it, it doesn't mean is yours. Even when you lost it, it doesn't mean you're going to be sad the whole life time. There is some reason or lesson meant to be learned from it. Nothing is forever. Even the clouds keep on moving in every second every minute. Even the most beautiful flower will lost its beauty. Even the moon changes its shape every single night. Nothing is certain." 

Sound sad isn't it. 

Yup, is indeed very sad.

Nothing remain forever. Even your true love, you may found it and got married, but who can predict the future. It can be you ending as a divorcee, or your the other half pass away or you are the one pass away before him/her. 

Okay, i shouldn't go into a very sad ending. Life is uncertain, am i right? You won't know when you gonna die. It can be tomorrow. Once you sleep tonight, will you be sure you can wake up, seeing the beautiful sunset, going to work or school as usual and most precious thing is keep on breathing the oxygen as usual. I believe you can't even give me your answer, cause nobody know when we are going to die.

Just to cut it short. My conclusion is love yourself and your beloved now. Because you never know when they are gone. Only God knows it. HE is the one controlling our period of life.   

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Work = Happy

Haven't write anything to my little bloggie..urm not to long just a day..hehe..Today, i am very happy as i have work to be done, unlike for the past few month of this year 2012. You all might be thinking i am crazy, as mostly people will be very happy with less or no work at office and the best part is your salary is still being paid on time, while i am like the opposite :). Maybe i have seated too long at office till i am too boring already.

Yup, i admit last year my workload is like a total hell. But after Chinese New Year, i had my work all fully managed, is like everything is under my control. I am glad that i can manage my work now, but is way to manageable till i am too boring making me feeling useless or simply thinking things that never happen or simply browsing here and there making my life more miserable. Is a total a waste of my life.

Maybe i am a least with work i won't simply thinking stuff and makes myself being so useless. I loved my work although is not match to my level of education, my colleague is unfriendly but i believe if i keep on praying for them, God will open their heart to accept me. For God never abandon his children. I am God's children as He loved us for he sent His only Son, the one without sin to die for our sin. 

Okay, back to my main point as i have work to do as my headquarters office suddenly need a report urgently on a tight schedule, my HQ is always like that, they want something from your side and needed you to submit to them in a shortage of time too. Is ok as i have not much work so is kidda challenging for me today. Guess tomorrow won't be as much like today. So is best to treasure the time which God planned for me today.

Is just like love...if you have found your loved of life...why not to take action to let her know. Treasured it k. :)

Goodnight is rather late now. Don't wanna be late for work tomorrow. Nite nite. (^^)

Tuesday, April 24, 2012


Moon?? Why moon?? A person name??

Nope, is just a normal moon we all used to see it in the dark sky with all the stars surrounding it.

To a few people they will say that "外国的月亮比较圆 " is almost the same as the saying "the grass is always greener on the other side" or in a Malay saying "hujan emas di negeri orang, hujan batu di negeri sendiri". All this is referring to, people somehow will always feel that the other side or other place is always better than the place where we are standing now.

Moon taken at 3rd months of Lunar Calendar
But the truth is, actually all the same, no matter where you are standing,  you can still see the moon in the dark sky. When the full moon is up above the sky, shining so brightly especially during the 15th of every month of Chinese Lunar Calendar, you maybe just a village girl looking at the sky of Sarawak, while there is people in Sabah as well as people in Peninsular Malaysia can see it too. I believed those in America, Australia, Canada, China, India, Korea, Taiwan, Japan and etc country or states can see it too.

So, does the saying '外国的月亮比较圆 ' (the moon at oversea is more rounder) a truth? Nope, after all is the same one and only Moon we all around the world is looking at. There is only one Moon that circulate our Planet Earth. 

But, why those saying still appear in different languages? To my thoughts is mainly because human being desires is never enough, hardly to be fulfill. They always envy the thing which they can't obtain. They always feel that the other side is the best...but never realise that the other side people will think the same as well and end up everyone is envious of each other. Actually there is nothing special even you are at my side or i am at your side. As i said earlier is it the same moon.

Lesson: Learn to accept what you don't have and what you have...before it is too late. :)

Saturday, April 21, 2012



(this Chinese poems is very meaningful,
nobody is is perfect, but it is up to you to change into a better person or not...jiayou jiayou owh...)

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Who is the third?

Last night there is a drama regarding of Laws of Attraction acted by Malaysian actors...basically a story of how these people felt loneliness and turns out to be couple.

The title of the show :)
One of the couple story is when the girl who is being cheated by her boyfriend which turn out she is only a third person appear in his marriage. As she don't want to be called a vixen she eat a massive of cakes from her cakes shop. Turned out she is craving for those cakes which is actually a psycho minded playing in herself telling her to eat as when she is fat and ugly she won't cause troubles to other people relationship or marriage.

After a long breakup with her former boyfriend, for about two weeks. He came running to her begging to be with him back. But this innocent girl wouldn't want in such a relationship as a third party. Then this boyfriend said, "You're not the 3rd person, the 3rd person is the one which is not loved."

Does this mean that the 3rd person is actually his wife?  What on earth is this lame excuses to be use?

If i'm the girl i will answer him this way, "Are you a man? You cheated me and now you blame it on your wife. If you really love me you wouldn't cheated me about your status. Today you tell me i'm not the 3rd person in this relationship, how am i going to trust you when in the future you going to say the same to other girl as well which eventually turn out your wife is always the 3rd person. Just let me go k...and you should go back to your wife and love her like the promises you did said to her during your wedding before her family is willing to give her hand to your care. Don't you remember."

Gosh! i think i can be a script writer to change others people script...hehe...This boyfriend of her is actually looks like a very nice, nerdy and innocent guy but turn out to be the opposite an untrusted man who you never knew will cheat i know why people keep saying "never judge a book by its cover".

People say a girls heart is hard to predict, but what the different to guy. Guy heart and mind is even worst which ever their motive is nobody knows. Ermm that why am i so angry..hehe...just to share my silly thoughts...haha...

GUYS: if you guy read this please no offense k...just a expression of my thoughts..nobody is prefect k...peace no war..:)

Monday, April 16, 2012

The Media Corp's drama named Breakout (破天网) is recently on-aired at NTV7 every Monday to Friday from 6pm to 7pm. The drama is really nice, acted by a bunch of handsome and pretty actors and actress.

What really amazed me is the great acting whereby nearly every actors will play two roles like she is having two personalities of confusing within herself making her look like a crazy mental problem girl and can be normal cruel cold-blooded girl when she is ok. While on the other hand her second brother is a cruel killer but gentle when meet up a girl looks like his death fiancee which he needed to kill her. Then the normal girl which had grown up in her comatose of 13 years turned out to be a 25 years old girl when she is awake but have to act as 12 years old little girl strive for her lost of 13 years. The lawyer have to be in control his temper which he needed to slap or strangle his enemy only in his imagination. The autistic kid or i should say is a grown adult is a great challenges to him.

Beside the story line what really attract my attention is the main song in this drama. The lyrics really very meaningful which make me wanna learn it and share it here. a non-Mandarin reader like a blessed that i managed to find the lyric, copied it and paste it here...:)

So I can learn it at the same time while listen to this song. Do enjoy ya!

爱还不了 所以无可救药
梦抓不到 所以谁都想要

失去和拥有 谁能分辨的好

谁不想飞的比天高 谁不想挣脱天网的牢
谁不想飞得比天高 谁不想世界为你而绕
最单纯的感动 却忘了去寻找

拥有了世界 却输掉拥抱
有什么 值得炫耀

Notes: Sometime life is like that you can have all those luxuries in your life but the most previous always is not about money is just simply a nice happy family reunite together.   


还有三个小时就要跨2021年了。 现在几乎每家都在放鞭炮。 很热闹也很烦恼。让我在回想我的2020,是如何过来的? 是个匆匆忙忙,勉强,努力有懒散,也有酸甜苦辣熬过来的。 人生嘛,就是这样吧! 对我来说,努力奔破了一年,又要再重新开始是一个挑战。 感觉为什么,每一秒,每一分,每一...